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Presented by Special Education Secondary Programs Fall 2008

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1 Presented by Special Education Secondary Programs Fall 2008
Using the General Information Bulletin to Enhance Special Education Services Presented by Special Education Secondary Programs Fall 2008

2 Overview: Special Education Highlights
Curriculum Information Scheduling: Transition Planning Monitoring, Recording & Reporting Student Progress Graduation & Implementation of SB 673 Academic Achievement Record Utilizing the Course Options Strands Decisions that impact student’s academic future

3 English/Language Arts: Reading
Students in the 7th, 8th or 9th grade must take Reading if they score below 2200 on the TAKS Students eligible for Special Education services may be placed as determined by the ARD Page 10 (Handout)

4 Middle/High School Special Education Program
Access to the general education curriculum is a primary consideration Continuum of services: 3 levels of support External In-class Specialized Page 17 (Handout)

5 Special Education Services
Transfer students Program Offerings and Graduation Plan Selection Transition Planning Scheduling Recommendations Pages (Handout)

6 Monitoring, Recording & Reporting Student Progress
Admission Grading for Special Education Students Promotion/Retention Request to Graduate on a Minimum Plan Graduation & SB 673 Pages 55-75

7 Minimum Standards for the Academic Achievement Record
Official & permanent record, actual courses taken Seals of Completion Course Numbers & Titles Use of Special Explanation Codes Pages (Handout)

8 Appendix: Course Options: High School


10 Course Options: Middle School


12 Impact of Assessment Options
All Students: All students in Grades 3-8 and 10 must be tested and all results must be included in the AYP calculation. Assessments evaluated for AYP are: • Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) in Reading/English Language Arts and Mathematics; • Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills-Modified (TAKS-M) in Reading/English Language Arts and Mathematics for students receiving special education services who meet participation requirements for TAKS-M and for whom TAKS is not appropriate; • Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills-Alternate (TAKS-Alt) in Reading/English Language Arts and Mathematics for students with significant cognitive disabilities who meet the participation requirements; • Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) Reading for recent immigrant limited English proficient (LEP) students who were exempted in Reading/English Language Arts by the Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC); • Linguistically Accommodated Testing (LAT) of the TAKS and TAKS-M Reading/English Language Arts and Mathematics assessments for recent immigrant LEP students who were exempted by the LPAC. Comparison of 2007 and 2008 AYP Systems The following changes to specific components of the AYP system will be incorporated in Section III provides more details on the following areas: • Due to the administration of alternate assessments TAKS-Modified (TAKS-M) and TAKS-Alternate (TAKS-Alt), a new federal cap process is used for 2008 AYP requiring: • A 1% cap on TAKS-Alt student passing results • A 2% cap on TAKS-M student passing results • Statewide limits of 3% for both TAKS-Alt and TAKS-M student passing results that may require recapture (or exclusion of students from the cap) in order to maintain those limits.

13 AYP Performance Standards
The AYP definition is based on expectations for growth in student achievement. The standards must increase over time until they reach 100% in For the first six years, the standards were held constant for two years at a time, with increases occurring at the end of the second year. The first increase took place in The second increase occurred Exhibit 10 shows the standards for to NOTE: beginning the standards increase annually. Standards are rounded to the nearest whole percent.

14 For More Information Contact:
Corey Golomb Tanya Browne Gerard Cortez

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