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Applied Multivariate Quantitative Methods

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1 Applied Multivariate Quantitative Methods
Multidimensional Scaling By Jen-pei Liu, PhD Division of Biometry, Department of Agronomy, National Taiwan University and Wei-Chie Chie, MD, PhD Department of Public Health 2019/2/16 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD

2 Multidimensional Scaling
Introduction Procedures Examples Summary 2019/2/16 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD

3 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD
Introduction Objectives Given a distance matrix between objects To construct a diagram (map) showing the relationships between a number of objects Maps – one dimension, two dimensions, three dimensions or a high number of dimension (a simple geometrical representation is not possible) 2019/2/16 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD

4 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD
Introduction The mirror image of a map has the same distance matrix If n >=3, the objects may not lie on a plane Multidimensional scaling is applied when the underlying relationship is unknown but the estimated distance matrix is available A tool for reduction of dimensions and visulaization An exploratory tool 2019/2/16 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD

5 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD
Introduction Distance matrix for 4 objects 1 0 2019/2/16 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD

6 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD
2019/2/16 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD

7 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD
2019/2/16 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD

8 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD
Procedures Step 1: Start with a matrix of distance between n objects [n(n-1)/2] in p-dimensions, ij Step 2: Determine the number of dimension for multidimensional scaling, say t Step 3: A starting configuration is set up for the n objects in t dimensions 2019/2/16 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD

9 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD
Procedures Step 4: The Euclidean distances between the objects are computed for the assumed configuration. Let dij be object i and object j for this configuration Step 5: Fit a regression of dij on ij. Denote the fitted distances by d*ij which is called the disparities 2019/2/16 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD

10 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD
Procedures Step 6: Compute the STRESS to check the fit STRESS = ((dij – dij*)2/ d2ij)1/2 Repeat 3-6 until the stress can not be further reduced Obtain the values of the n objects and to draw a map based on the new values 2019/2/16 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD

11 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD
Procedures The word stress is used because the statistic is a measure of the extent to which the spatial configuration of points has to be stressed to obtained the data distances ij. Small value of stress is desirable Increase the number of dimension when stress is already less than 0.05 Reduce the number of dimension to the extent if stress exceeds 0.1 2019/2/16 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD

12 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD
Examples Road distances between 13 New Zealand Towns Road distances are proportional to geographical distances Recover the true map by 2-dimensional analysis Stress value is 0.043 2019/2/16 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD

13 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD
2019/2/16 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD

14 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD
Examples New Values after multidimensional scaling (2) Town 1 2 Town 1 2 Alexandra Invercargill Balclutha Milford Blenheim Nelson Christchurch Queenstown Dunedin Te Anau Franz Josef Timaru Greymouth 2019/2/16 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD

15 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD
2019/2/16 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD

16 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD
Examples Very successful in recovering the real map Town are in correct relationship except Milford which can be reached only by road through Te Anau 2-dimension map: Milford is close to Te Anau Geographical map: Milford is close to Queenstown 2019/2/16 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD

17 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD
Examples Voting behavior of 15 New Jersey congressmen Distances are based on the number of voting disagreement on 19 bills concerned with environmental matters 2019/2/16 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD

18 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD
Examples Metric multidimensional scaling: doubling a distance value is equivalent to configuration distance between 2 objects is also doubled. Assume a linear relationship between dij and ij. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling: only assume monotonic relationship between dij on ij. 2019/2/16 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD

19 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD
Examples Stress Dimmension Metric Nonmetric 2019/2/16 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD

20 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD
Examples Values after multidimensional Scaling Congressmen Hunt (R) Sand (R) Howard (D) Thompson (D) Frelinghuysen (R) Forsythe (R) Windnall (R ) Roe (D) Helstoski (D) 2019/2/16 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD

21 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD
Examples Values after multidimensional Scaling Congressmen Rodino (D) Minish (D) Rinaldo (R) Maraziti (R) Daniels (D) Pattern (D) 2019/2/16 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD

22 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD
2019/2/16 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD

23 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD
2019/2/16 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD

24 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD
Examples Voting pattern of 15 NJ congressmen Dimension 1: party difference Dimension 2: number of abstentions from voting Dimension 3: no simple or obvious interprestation Configuration distance vs. disparities Not a straight linear relationship Data distances do not increase with the configruation distances 2019/2/16 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD

25 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD
2019/2/16 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD

26 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD
Examples Microarray data 32 patients with prostate cancers 23 patients from primary sites with no known metastatasis 9 patients from metastatic disease site Expression data from genes 2019/2/16 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD

27 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD
2019/2/16 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD

28 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD
2019/2/16 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD

29 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD
2019/2/16 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD

30 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD
Summary Objectives Procedures Stress Effect of scale Real Data Distance between cities Voting pattern Gene expression levels 2019/2/16 Copyright by Jen-pei Liu, PhD and Wei-chu Chie, MD, PhD

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