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The Roaring 20s.

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Presentation on theme: "The Roaring 20s."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Roaring 20s

2 Topics Included in Presentation:
Sacco + Vanzetti, KKK Prohibition and Gangsters Scopes Monkey Trial Entertainment Great Migration and NAACP

3 Sacco and Vanzetti Italian Immigrants executed for murder
Significance: fear of foreigners in United States

4 Ku Klux Klan Targets in the 1920s: Immigrants = Jews and Catholics
Blacks Immigrants = Jews and Catholics Other non-white groups Homosexuals

5 Calvin Coolidge “Silent Cal” – 30th
Takes over Presidency when Harding dies. Wins reelection in 1924 but does not run for reelection in 1928. “The business of America is business!!”

6 Speakeasies

7 “You can get much further with a kind word and a gun  than you can with a kind word alone.”

8 Early Mobsters....

9 Mafia in the United States 5 Big Families

10 What was the controversial issue in the Scopes Monkey Trial in 1925?
Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. Man “evolved” from apes.

11 Darrow + Bryan

12 Flappers


14 1st Radio Broadcast - 1920 First Broadcast
At 6:00pm, on Tuesday, November 2, 1920, a few men in a shack changed the course of history. Pittsburgh, PA.

15 Sports Stars of the 20's

16 Aviation Heroes Amelia Earhart Charles Lindbergh

17 Charles Lindbergh 1st person to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean by
33 hours and 39 minutes Received a prize of $25,000


19 CLICK on the picture for a Youtube video for each movie
Early Movies CLICK on the picture for a Youtube video for each movie

20 The Jazz Singer (1927) The 1st feature length motion picture with synchronized dialogue. Starred Al Jolson Marked the decline of the silent film era

21 Paintings of Georgia O’Keefe

22 The Great Migration Movement of African-Americans from the South to Urban areas of United States More than 1.5 million 1914 – 1930 Escape racism, find better jobs, overall better life in the North


24 NAACP National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
James Weldon Johnson was instrumental in increasing the NAACP's membership from 9,000 to almost 90,000. Wrote National Black anthem “Lift Every Voice and Sing”

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