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Software Engineering S o f t w a r e T e s t i n g Chapter 8

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1 Software Engineering S o f t w a r e T e s t i n g Chapter 8
Dr.Doaa samy Modified from Sommerville’s originals

2 Objectives  Understand the stages of development testing.
2  Understand the stages of development testing.  Understand test-driven development.  Know the important of release testing.  Be aware of user testing processes and techniques.

3 Program Testing 3  Testing is intended to show that a program does what it is intended to do and to discover program defects before it is put into use.  Can reveal the presence of errors NOT their absence.  Should be used in conjunction with inspection to provide full V&V coverage.

4  A successful test is one that shows that a requirements
Type of Program Testing 4  Validation testing  Intended to show that the software meets it requirements.  A successful test is one that shows that a requirements has been properly implemented.  If there is any variation in the test  Defect testing  Tests designed to discover system defects.  A successful defect test is one which reveals the presence of defects in a system.

5 Validation vs. Verification
5  Validation:  "Are we building the right product? ”  The software should do what the user really requires.  Verification:  "Are we building the product right?”  The software should conform to its specification.

6 V & V Goals and the type of use will determine the degree of
6  Aim of V&V is to establish confidence that the system is ‘fit for purpose’.  This does not mean completely free of defects.  Rather, it must be good enough for its intended use and the type of use will determine the degree of confidence that is needed.

7 Best wishes,

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