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Domains and Kingdoms Print the slides to use as cards. Laminate before using for longer durability!

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Presentation on theme: "Domains and Kingdoms Print the slides to use as cards. Laminate before using for longer durability!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Domains and Kingdoms Print the slides to use as cards. Laminate before using for longer durability!

2 Instructions This set include title cards and description cards.
Split the cards among students. Students will find their appropriate kingdom and domain groups. Have the students organize themselves according to their categories.

3 Bacteria

4 These organisms are mostly unicellular, and are prokaryotes
These organisms are mostly unicellular, and are prokaryotes. They were discovered by a scientist named Anton van Leeuwenhoek. These organisms reproduce asexually and sexually. This domain has organisms both autotrophic and heterotrophic.

5 Archaea

6 These organisms are prokaryotic and unicellular
These organisms are prokaryotic and unicellular. These organisms often live in extreme environments and are able to withstand higher temperatures and stronger acid concentrations.

7 Eukaryota

8 This domain consists of eukaryotic and multicellular organisms
This domain consists of eukaryotic and multicellular organisms. These organisms are autotrophic and heterotrophic and the reproduce asexually and sexually. Slime Mold

9 Protist Kingdom

10 The organisms in this kingdom are eukaryotic and are also unicellular
The organisms in this kingdom are eukaryotic and are also unicellular. This kingdom includes autotrophic or heterotrophic organisms and they reproduce asexually. Paramecium Giardia Water Mold Amoeba Euglena Slime Mold Dinoflagellates Diatom Green Algae Brown Algae

11 Fungi Kingdom

12 This kingdom consists of eukaryotic, multicellular, heterotrophic organisms. These organisms reproduce asexually and sexually.

13 Plant Kingdom

14 This domain consists of eukaryotic, multicellular, sexually reproducing, and autotrophic organisms.

15 Animal Kingdom

16 Organisms in this kingdom are heterotrophic, eukaryotic, multicellular, and reproduce sexually.

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