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Some Fun Interactive Applets for Statistics

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1 Some Fun Interactive Applets for Statistics
CMC3 – South Fall Conference Speakers: TUYETDONG PHAN-YAMADA From: Cal State LA

2 Applets – My collection
Select Teaching , Then Statistics. Guess Mean, Median, Standard Deviation and IQR Fair dice? Rolling Two dice Guess Correlation Guess p-Value Locating the midpoint Red Light Reaction Rossman/Chance Applet Collection

3 Data Sites Vehicle data Lock5Site What's Going On in This Graph?

4 Projects Lefty-Righty Locating the Midpoint Red Light Reaction
Smelling Parkinson’s Disease Task A Case of Possible Discrimination Task Dolphin Therapy Task

5 10:39:51 4 Timer

6 PROJECT SUMMARY Using data from the Lefty-Righty Experiment:
10:39:51 PROJECT SUMMARY 5 Using data from the Lefty-Righty Experiment: Estimate the percentage of left-handed people in the sampled population Explore why some people write faster than others.

(“I will” statements) 10:39:51 6 I will learn how to estimate confidence intervals I will learn how to use the binomial distribution to check if collected data seem unusual given an assumed proportion I will use the one-sample z-test to test the claim the percentage of left-handed people sampled match the population at large I will test if the collected data are sampled from a normally distributed population I will use the t-test for two samples to conduct a hypothesis test about why some people write faster than others.

8 10:39:51 SORTING DATA 7 This scatter plot determines how many left-handed people are in the sample.

9 9 10:39:51 Too many left-handed? Assuming 10% of people are left-handed, then the probability of having 1 out of 16 people be left-handed is

10 Estimate the percentage of left-handed people
10:39:51 8 Estimate the percentage of left-handed people From eight sample sets, we are 95% confident that 10% of people are left handed.

11 Z-test for one sample 10 Ho: p = 0.1 Ha: p ≠ 0.1
10:39:51 10 Ho: p = 0.1 Ha: p ≠ 0.1 Conduct a z-test about the hypothesis of 10% of people are left handed.

12 10:39:51 Normal Quantile Plot 11 To check if data are from a normally distributed population.

13 10:39:51 T-test for two samples 12 To test the hypothesis if people who drink coffee can write faster than those who don’t.

14 GRADING RUBRIC Sign up:_________/5 Collecting data: _______/10
10:39:51 GRADING RUBRIC 13 Sign up:_________/5 Collecting data: _______/10 Moodle post: ______/10 Participation: ________/10 – small group discussion Presentation: ________/20 Paper: ________/45

15 10:39:51 PROCEDURES 14 Have students do the lefty-righty experiment in class as an example. Then discuss potential topics. Divide students in groups of 4. Have each group choose a topic. Each student should give this experiment to at least 16 people (8 per category.) Students have to submit their data by a deadline. If not, other students can submit extra data and get their points. Give the deadline to submit the confidence interval. Spend about 15 minutes in class to find the percentage of left-handed people based on the work in step 5. Give the deadline to submit the group work for testing the percentage and the group’s claim. Course materiel connecting z- and t- tests Write individual reports. Each student analyzes their own data (small N) and compares it to their group work (large N). Have students do the lefty-righty experiment in class as an example. Then discuss what potential topics are. Divide students in groups of 4. Then have each group choose their topics. Each student have to give this experiment to at least 16 people (8 per category.) Students have to submit their data by a deadline. If not, other students will submit and get their points. Give the deadline to submit the confidence interval. Spend about 15 minutes in class to find the percentage the percentage of left-handed people based on the work in step 5. Have students do the lefty-righty experiment in class as an example. Then discuss what potential topics are. Divide students in groups of 4. Then have each group choose their topics. Each student have to give this experiment to at least 16 people (8 per category.) Students have to submit their data by a deadline. If not, other students will submit and get their points. Have students do the lefty-righty experiment in class as an example. Then discuss what potential topics are.

16 15 10:39:51 Click Teaching, then select Statistics Built-in Stat Calculator to find CI, Bino. Dist, Normality My statistics apps to do Z-test and t-test Other Stat apps: Linear Regression Line, ANOVA, Probability Distribution, Chi-square Test, Contingency Table and more Or me :

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