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mass of one mole of particles

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1 mass of one mole of particles
Molar Mass: mass of one mole of particles units: grams per mole g/mol or g mol 6.02 x 1023 particles 1 mole

2 Periodic Table Fe S C Hg 55.85g 200.59g 12.01g 32.07g
1 molar mass of C, S, Hg, and Fe are shown. Each of the quantities contains 1 mole. How many atoms of each element are shown? 200.59g 12.01g S C Hg 32.07g

3 2 (H) (O) = 2 (1.01) (16.00) = 18.02 g/mol from the PT

4 6 (C) (H) (O) = 6 (12.01) (1.01) (16.00) = g/mol

5 1 (Al) (O) (H) = 1 (26.98) (16.00) (1.01) = 78.01 g/mol

6 1. A mole of hydrogen gas, H2(g),
Quick Quiz! 1. A mole of hydrogen gas, H2(g), contains 6.02 x 1023 ________ of H2(g) molecules atoms moles grams

7 2. The molar mass of fluorine (F) is _________.
Quick Quiz. 2. The molar mass of fluorine (F) is _________. 6.02 x 1023 mol 19.00 g 19.00 g/mol 6.02 x 1023 atoms

8 NH3 1 (N) + 3 (H) = 1 (14.01) + 3 (1.01) = 17.04 g/mol
Quick Quiz. 3. Calculate the molar mass of ammonia. 45.03 g/mol 17.04 g/mol 15.01 g/mol 12.97 g/mol NH3 1 (N) (H) = 1 (14.01) (1.01) = 17.04 g/mol 8

9 Quick Quiz. 4. Calculate the molar mass of ammonium sulfate. g/mol g/mol g/mol g/mol (NH4)2SO4 WS Moles and Molar Mass #4-5 p. 113 #33ab, 34ab, 32 g/mol 2 (N) (H) (S) (O) = 2 (14.01) (1.01) (32.07) (16.00) =

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