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Nuzhat Ali, National Lead MSK Health

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1 Nuzhat Ali, National Lead MSK Health
Case Study ‘Collaborative Partnerships transforming prevention of Musculoskeletal population health Nuzhat Ali, National Lead MSK Health

2 The MSK Burden Global Burden of Disease study MSK conditions are the leading cause of years lived with disability and the 3rd largest cause of disability adjusted life years (DALYs) in the UK today Affects over 17.8 million people in the UK. 8.5 million have osteoarthritis, which is expected to rise to 17 million by 2030. • Are associated with a large number of co-morbidities, including depression and obesity. • Account for 30.8 million working days lost each year and the single biggest cause of physical disability Why is MSK important to health and social care – patients & employers ? Musculoskeletal conditions are a common cause of severe long term pain and physical disability. Global burden of disease 2010 highlights that in UK MSK accounts for 30% of years lived with disability. i.e. major problem and cause of ill health. 1 in 7 primary healthcare consultations- Two of the most prevalent musculoskeletal disorders are oste oarthritis and back pain Why is it important to individual ? Mobility getting to the front door, toilet in time, or being able to cook your own food are things that we all want to be able to do as we age. MSK Health a Public Health Priority

3 The Burden of MSK Conditions
Lower back and neck pain were the leading causes of disability in England from 1990 to These conditions accounted for 2,221 years lived with disability (YLDs) per 100,000 population. Estimated levels of MSK conditions in England for 2012 also found that 18% and 11% of people aged 45 years and above have knee and hip osteoarthritis, respectively. An estimated 17% of all ages have back pain. Fractures, which are often a consequence of falls, are one of the most serious MSK problems seen in the older population. An audit by The Royal College of Physicians audit found that fractures and falls in people aged 65 and over account for over 4 million hospital bed days each year in England. MSK Health a Public Health priority

4 Relationship between Musculoskeletal Health and Inequality gradient
Estimated 17.8 million people live with a MSK condition in the UK, which is around 28.9% of the total population. Of these, 7.7 million are men and million are women. 40% of men and 44% of women in the poorest households report chronic pain, compared to 24% of men and 30% of women in the richest households. Among people aged 45–64, the prevalence of arthritis is more than double in the most deprived areas (21.5%) compared to the least deprived areas (10.6%). Working age (45–64 years) are almost twice as likely to report back pain (17.7%) as those from least deprived areas (9.1%). Physical inactivity, obesity and comorbidity are all strongly associated with deprivation. People in the most deprived areas develop multi-morbidity 10–15 years earlier compared to those in the least deprived. How we might tackle this wicked system problem: Working collaboratively across sectors and with our community’s Provide targeted support to help people find and remain in good work Focussed secondary prevention in primary care is the best way to get quick wins in narrowing health inequalities (King’s Fund) ARMA- December 2018

5 Physical activity infographics - https://www. gov
Physical activity guidance - 3. The Eatwell Guide shows the proportions of different types of foods which are needed to have a well-balanced and healthy diet: 4. lets talk about weight toolkit MSK Health a Public Health Priority

6 No Health without Musculoskeletal Health
Our Mission Taking Action MSK health messages: Raising knowledge and awareness of the scale of the problem, impact, key risk factors, Interventions and benefits Focus and delivery: 4 key work streams Evidence into practice Work and Health Intelligence & Data Workforce- PH Specialists/ Wider Scale up and spread of good practice, evidence based interventions, tools and resources Reflection, Evaluation, Impact: what works, gaps analysis, measurable Research, Evidence & Innovation Key to our success: Partnership, collaboration & matrix working 5 year Delivery Plan: Short term - Long term Identify Quick Wins MSK Expert Health Forum Marketing & Communication Strategy Local Drivers: PHE Centres, LA’s, NHS, networks and stakeholders

7 Developing a whole system public health approach to a wicked problem
Collaborative leadership style Trust, passion, commitment and open/honest communications Joint collective common vision and shared narrative Joint actions and investments Engaging wider; networks Personal resilience Partnerships and networks are important for MSK where interventions are complex and multifactorial, and therefore cannot be resolved by the efforts of one organization alone. Collaborative Leadership for MSK

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