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When terminology and semantic web meet

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1 When terminology and semantic web meet
Denis Dechandon, Eugeniu Costeţchi, Anikó Gerencsér, Anne Waniart Metadata Sector A.1 Unit, Standardisation - Directorate A, Information Management Publications Office of the European Union Translating & the Computer 40 London, 15-16/11/2018

2 Outline Publications Office Our Raison d’être
Linguistic tools and their purposes Around controlled vocabularies EuroVoc A few milestones and figures Advantages and limitations A tool ready for the semantic web A tool supporting multilingualism A tool supporting the access to information Different animals Controlled vocabularies vs. terminological resources Terminology resources and controlled vocabularies – Compared use Some particularities VocBench3 An authoring tool Or how to push the frontiers Next steps Perspectives Take-aways

3 Linguistic tools and their purposes Around controlled vocabularies
Publications Office Our Raison d’être Linguistic tools and their purposes Around controlled vocabularies EuroVoc A few milestones and figures Advantages and limitations A tool ready for the semantic web A tool supporting multilingualism A tool supporting the access to information Different animals Controlled vocabularies vs. terminological resources Terminology resources and controlled vocabularies – Compared use Some particularities VocBench3 An authoring tool Or how to push the frontiers Next steps Perspectives Take-aways

4 Publications Office – Our Raison d’être
Production Access and re-use Long-term preservation Publishing EU law and other information from EU institutions

5 Linguistic tools and their purposes
Interinstitutional Style Guide Authority lists Taxonomies E.g. CORDIS (not published), CPV A thesaurus EuroVoc Ontologies e-Procurement (under construction) , ELI

6 Around controlled vocabularies (1)
Alignments with EuroVoc Ongoing: Thesaurus of the Court of Justice of the European Union STW: German national Library of Economics LegiLux: Ministry of State, Luxembourg European Commission DG HR – Functions and Domains Taxonomy Foreseen: Publications Office of the EU, CORDIS – EuroSciVoc (Field of Science Taxonomy) EU Member States – N-Lex project N-Lex project: single entry point to the national law databases on individual EU countries Establishing links between Member State law information and EU law information Ministry of State, Luxembourg: LegiLux Presentation: Law via the Internet conference Alignment with EuroVoc France (EC-funded project): LegiVoc Foreseen: Croatia, Finland EU projects

7 Around controlled vocabularies (2)
EU Vocabularies SEMIC ISA2 Joinup EU institutions, bodies and agencies IMSB and DGs of the European Commission N-Lex

8 A few milestones and figures Advantages and limitations
Publications Office Our Raison d’être Linguistic tools and their purposes Around controlled vocabularies EuroVoc A few milestones and figures Advantages and limitations A tool ready for the semantic web A tool supporting multilingualism A tool supporting the access to information Different animals Controlled vocabularies vs. terminological resources Terminology resources and controlled vocabularies – Compared use Some particularities VocBench3 An authoring tool Or how to push the frontiers Next steps Perspectives Take-aways

9 EuroVoc – A few milestones and figures (1)
1982 Comparative study Decision to construct a multilingual thesaurus Compliant with the relevant international standards 1984 First edition in seven languages (Danish, Dutch, German, Greek, English, French and Italian) Immediately into use at the European Parliament and the Publications Office (respective owner and manager of the thesaurus) 1995 descriptors in their semantic context and includes references for non-descriptors. Based on this edition, EuroVoc has been used as an indexing tool for the documentary databases of the Publications Office for the production of catalogues and tables of the Official Journal.

10 EuroVoc – A few milestones and figures (2)
1999 Two new interinstitutional committees made up of representatives of the institutions involved in the project The Steering Committee The Maintenance Committee 2016 EuroVoc downloadable in SKOS/RDF 2018 Available in all EU official languages + 3 others Re-used by EU institutions, national and regional parliaments, and economic operators 7,180 concepts, each of them consisting of preferred and non-preferred terms semantic relations to other concepts (hierarchical conceptual network) And containing in most cases definitions, scope notes, synonyms and quasi-synonyms linguistic equivalents in all EU official languages 400,000 labels in multiple natural languages Split in 21 domains, and 127 microthesauri represented as SKOS concept schemes Available on the EU Vocabularies website and on the EU Open Data Portal

11 EuroVoc – Advantages and limitations
Terminological standardisation of indexing vocabularies more accurate documentary searches Multilingualism documents are indexed in the language of the documentalist while searches to be made in the user’s language Available on the web Limitations Designed to meet the needs of systems of general documentation on the activities of the European Union Does not cover the various national situations at a sufficiently detailed level

12 EuroVoc – A tool ready for the semantic web
Built according to the ISO :2011 standard Maintenance and development of thesauri intended for information storage and retrieval Concept-oriented and not term-oriented Implemented using the SIMPLE KNOWLEGDE ORGANISATION SYSTEM (SKOS) model (W3C) which Provides a model for expressing the basic structure and content of concept schemes, Supports interoperability Linking of concepts from different datasets (mappings), Reuse and sharing of concepts and their descriptions. Concepts are identified with URIs. Mappings Exact match, close match Broader match, narrower match or related match

13 EuroVoc – A tool supporting multilingualism
A fundamental principle of the European Union Role of the Directorate-General for Translation (European Commission) Not terms but concepts (not translating but rather providing equivalents in other languages) Provision of equivalents of non-preferred labels Should the structure be the same for each language?

14 EuroVoc – A tool supporting the access to information
Guides the indexer and the searcher to choose the same term for the same concept, Lists all the relevant concepts, Provides corresponding preferred terms for each concept, Allows easy navigation between concepts for example from broader to narrower or to related ones

15 Controlled vocabularies vs. terminological resources
Publications Office Our Raison d’être Linguistic tools and their purposes Around controlled vocabularies EuroVoc A few milestones and figures Advantages and limitations A tool ready for the semantic web A tool supporting multilingualism A tool supporting the access to information Different animals Controlled vocabularies vs. terminological resources Terminology resources and controlled vocabularies – Compared use Some particularities VocBench3 An authoring tool Or how to push the frontiers Next steps Perspectives Take-aways

16 Controlled vocabularies vs. terminological resources

17 Terminology resources and controlled vocabularies – Compared use
Find terms Understand them Get their linguistic equivalents Reuse them Produce meaningful and fit for purpose content in various languages Tag pages Index content Find (search, access) information Retrieve it Reuse it

18 Some particularities Available online Downloadable Multilingual
Coordination Used by linguists… and machines (term recognition/CAT tools) Maintained with IATE with the additional use of Excel and the EurTerm wiki (interinstitutional portal for terminology) Available online Downloadable Multilingual Controlled Used by indexers, linguists… and machines (semantic web) For an improved discoverability and interoperability Maintained with VocBench 3 open-source solution web-based Collaborative Multilingual Fully compliant with W3C standards GIL EuroVoc wiki

19 Or how to push the frontiers Next steps
Publications Office Our Raison d’être Linguistic tools and their purposes Around controlled vocabularies EuroVoc A few milestones and figures Advantages and limitations A tool ready for the semantic web A tool supporting multilingualism A tool supporting the access to information Different animals Controlled vocabularies vs. terminological resources Terminology resources and controlled vocabularies – Compared use Some particularities VocBench3 An authoring tool Or how to push the frontiers Next steps Perspectives Take-aways

20 VocBench3 – An authoring tool
Open-source web-based platform Collaborative editing and management of controlled vocabularies (ontologies, thesauri, taxonomies, authority lists and glossaries) Supports multilingualism Fully compliant with W3C standards Production and publication of Linked Open Data Used by several public administrations in the EU Member States as well as EU institutions and international organisations Open source

21 VocBench3 – Or how to push the frontiers (1)

22 VocBench3 – Or how to push the frontiers (3)

23 VocBench3 – Or how to push the frontiers (4)
National legal vocabularies LEGILUX LEGIVOC International organisations EU institutions EuroVoc EU agencies European Commission vocabularies FDK DET

24 VocBench3 – Or how to push the frontiers (5)

25 VocBench3 – Or how to push the frontiers (6)

26 VocBench3 – Or how to push the frontiers (7)

27 VocBench3 – Next steps

28 Publications Office Our Raison d’être Linguistic tools and their purposes Around controlled vocabularies EuroVoc A few milestones and figures Advantages and limitations A tool ready for the semantic web A tool supporting multilingualism A tool supporting the access to information Different animals Controlled vocabularies vs. terminological resources Terminology resources and controlled vocabularies – Compared use Some particularities VocBench3 An authoring tool Or how to push the frontiers Next steps Perspectives Take-aways

29 A 1st perspective “The domain of each IATE entry should be identified by the most relevant EUROVOC descriptor. If the descriptor is from one of the top three levels of EUROVOC, it appears in the IATE Domain field. If it is from a lower level of EUROVOC, it appears (in English) in the Domain Note field, alongside the corresponding third-level domain” (IATE Handbook, Appendix B),

30 Improved discoverability
More concretely EuroVoc domains Improved discoverability

31 A 2nd perspective – Move from Excel to VocBench
Open-source web-based platform Collaborative editing and management of controlled vocabularies (ontologies, thesauri, taxonomies, authority lists and glossaries) Supports multilingualism Fully compliant with W3C standards Production and publication of Linked Open Data Used by several public administrations in the EU Member States as well as EU institutions and international organisations Open source

32 A 3rd perspective – Make them 5 Linked Open Data

33 Make them 5-Star Linked Open Data!
Take-aways Publish your terminological resources SKOSify them Opt for pURIs Align your terminological resources with others Map concepts… Make them 5-Star Linked Open Data!

34 Thank you! Do you have any questions?
Denis Dechandon Eugeniu Costeţchi Anikó Gerencsér Anne Waniart Publications Office of the European Union A Sector Metadata, Head A.1 Unit - Standardisation A Directorate – Information Management Thank you! Do you have any questions?

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