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Published byEustace Holland Modified over 6 years ago
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Image Uploader Directions September 2017
SER-FL-051 Charlotte County Composite Squadron Punta Gorda, Florida Major Dick Morrell/Capt Neil Heisner
Discussion Items Background NEW (Aug 2015) CAP Uploader Installation
Upload and Confirm Images/Tracks Find and Display Images on New FEMA ARC-GIS Maps Working with ARC GIS Web Viewers Confirming Upload of Images to Florida SERT GATOR System Comments/Recommendations
No sensitive or proprietary photos should be uploaded.
CAPUploader and ImageUploader Background Up until September 2014, CAP Aerial Photographers were able to use WMIRS 1.0 to Upload, archive and display CAP Imagery. With the Release of WMIRS 2.0 in October 2014, this capability is no longer available. An initial “Beta Version” CAPUploader was developed by FEMA, and provided an easy and approved method of uploading CAP photos. CAPUploader underwent development and beta testing for several years, and considerable success in rapidly distributing large volumes of CAP Imagery to Customers. Around May 2015 a New upgraded Version called ImageUploader was released by FEMA. It incorporated numerous changes and improvements from the Beta Version, and will be covered in this presentation. The State of Florida, Division of Emergency Management is drawing CAP Imagery from both CAPUploader and the Newer ImageUploader into their SERT GATOR Mapping System. All uploaded CAP photos can now be displayed on a public website. There are now limited ways for designated FEMA and CAP Managers to delete a photo that has been uploaded. No sensitive or proprietary photos should be uploaded. Photos must be geotagged before upload. For Now, Image Uploader will not save non-tagged photos
ImageUploader.AIR ICON
Four Files should come from the Florida Wing in a .zip (Compressed) file as shown below. One is the ImageUploader.air (initial version Uploader082) file, one is the FEMA Instr Abbreviated rev 19 AUG 2015.docx, two are the assigned FL Wing TOKENS (in both Word and Adobe PDF formats). The FEMA image Uploader Software is in the ImageUploader.air file. The .AIR Format Files can be opened by the Free Adobe Air Software. (Same Folks who brought you the Adobe PDF Reader!) The Files may be sent separately or in a compressed: fwdnewfemaphotographyimageuploaderapplication .zip file which will generally include all four Files for your area.
ImageUploader requires Adobe AIR to run, so you may have to download that at HINT – If you click on the ImageUploader.air file, and it indicates that it doesn’t have a clue on how to open this File, you need to download Adobe AIR and Install on your Computer to run the Program. It will run on either Windows or Mac OS Systems.
The ICONS for the Old CAP Uploader (Pre August 2015) and the New ImageUploader Icons are identical except for their Names. Insure you have installed and are using the Newer ImageUploader
Old CAP Uploader (Pre August 2015) Icons identical between CAPUploader (Beta) and Newer ImageUploader Both CAP Uploader and Image Uploader can be loaded on same computer platform at the same time. Different URLs and Passwords on Setup Page between the New and Old Uploaders CAPUploader had NO provision for uploading GPS Tracker Files for the Flight. Both have Three Steps in the Program. The older CAPUploader Steps were: STEP 1 – Locate Event from Drop Down & Name Team & Project STEP 2 – Browse for Folder with Images to Upload STEP 3 – Select Upload to Start and watch Upload Status To Avoid Confusion, Recommend UNINSTALLING the OLD CAPUploader before you INSTALL the New ImageUploader
NEW and Improved ImageUploader (August 2015) Icons identical between Cap Uploader (Beta) and New FEMA Image Uploader, but different Names; “CAPUploader” vs. Newer “ImageUploader”. Both CAP Uploader and Image Uploader can be loaded on same computer platform Different URLs and TOKENS are used for each on the Setup Page. NEW ImageUploader has associated Map to view Uploads of Image Locations Image Uploader allows for uploading GPS Tracker Files for the Flight. Both have Three Steps in the Program. The Newer ImageUploader Steps are: STEP 1 – Locate Event from Drop Down & Locate Team & Mission from Drop Down (or Create New) STEP 2 – Browse for Folder with GPS Track LOG to Upload. GPS File must be in .NMEA Format (Most Are!) (This Step is Optional if Images are already Geo-Located with Lat/Long imbedded in the Image.) STEP 3 – Browse for Image Folder and Select Upload to Start both GPS TrackLog and Image Update, and watch Upload Status.
1) After Successful Installation of both Adobe Air and the CAP Uploader, you should get an ICON that looks something like this: 2) When you Click on and Open the Icon for ImageUploader, It should look like this:
3) After installing the IMAGEUPLOADER.AIR, go to the “Settings” tab and change the URL to: 4) Your token is issued by Region and State. Go to the Token File Provided and Copy and Paste one of the Tokens. (Make sure there are no spaces at the end of the token or URL when you add them) Image Uploader will now Append an intro to your Token ?apikey= and then your Token. It would look something like this: ?apikey= b-e2ec-99c0-9f9c-c99999a99999 5) Be sure to Click Save Settings, then Close out the ImageUploader and Reopen with the New Settings Saved.
6) When you Re-open the CAPUploader application, you should now be able to see the most current events Loaded by FEMA in the “Event” drop down list. (If you can’t find the drop down list Event names, then either your URL was loaded wrong, your Token was loaded wrong, or your Internet connection is not working. CONGRATULATIONS!! This means the URL and the Token you loaded and Saved on the “Settings” Page are working as advertised. You should also see a Map appear in the Lower Left hand corner of the ImageUploader.
UPLOAD IMAGES Now comes (What should be!) the Easy Part – Uploading a File of Images. Here is a Sample of five images of an abandoned Pier in Boca Grande Pass. Note that we also have a GPS Tracker Log File with the Images
UPLOAD IMAGES This is what an Image looks like in View NX2 (Nikon Free) Software Imagery Viewer. 5 Images (Georegistered) from Nikon D-90 Camera w/GP-1 GPS & AMOD GPS Tracker Location Vic N; W – Abandoned Pier in Boca Grande Pass, Florida.
UPLOAD IMAGES 2) Note that I selected CAP Training from the Drop Down Menu. This is for your Practice Imagery. You may also be directed to use another Event (Like SOUTHEAST15) as your Event Folder for Uploading Imagery. The Events are only created by an Event Manager from FEMA on request from CAP National.
UPLOAD IMAGES 3) Once you select an event, you will be able to select or create a “Team”. CAP is standardizing on using the assigned Air or Ground Mission Number from WMIRS. The Team (CAP Mission Name) may already be Loaded (For Example on the second or third Day of a SAREX Mission), or you may have to create the Team. To add a New Team click on the +New Team Box and Type in the CAP Mission # (Example: 15-T-11135). To be consistent, please use capital letters and dashes. (For Example, use 16-A-1000 Vice 16-a-1000 or 16a1000)
UPLOAD IMAGES For Standardization throughout CAP, we are using the WMIRS Mission Number as the TEAM, and the WMIRS Sortie Number as the “Mission”.
UPLOAD IMAGES 4) Once you have Selected an existing Team Name, or Created a New Team, you are now ready to select or create a “Mission”. CAP is Currently standardizing on using the Sortie Number from WMIRS assigned to the Flight or Ground Sortie. On a few rare occasions The Mission (CAP Sortie Number) may already be Loaded (For Example on a single Sortie you take 5 groups of different Target Images and want to create files and load each target separately). In most cases, you will have to create a New FEMA Mission (CAP Sortie) for your Photographs.
UPLOAD IMAGES When creating a New Mission, use the Sortie Number as the Mission Name. (Confusing isn’t it!!). Using the standard Naming convention A_ _ _ _ for Air Sorties and G_ _ _ _ for Ground sorties. After filling in the Mission Name (In the below case Air Sortie A0002), select todays date for when you uploaded the Images. Since the Camera has already imbedded the date and time the Image was taken, both pieces of information (Date Taken and Date Uploaded) will be available when you want to search for your Images.
UPLOAD IMAGES 7) The Final process in Step 1 is fairly important, that is choosing the type of Images you are uploading. The Three Options are: AERIAL OBLIQUE: Target Shot at an angle from the Horizon down form 20 Degrees to 45 Degrees. These will be displayed on the Map with a Green Dot. AERIAL NADIR: Image is Shot looking (almost) Straight Down. It would also incorporate Imagery taken with a New VIRB Wing mounted Garmin Camera. These will be displayed with a Purple Dot. GROUND: Images were shot with a Camera used by a Ground Team. It would also incorporate Images taken with a standard CAP Handheld Camera like the D-90 or D-7100, or with a Camera like a “GO Pro” mounted in the Window of a Car. These will be displayed with a Yellow Dot.
UPLOAD IMAGES Here are some Examples of uploaded CAP Imagery: AERIAL OBLIQUE: Green Dot. AERIAL NADIR: Purple Dot. GROUND: Yellow Dot.
UPLOAD IMAGES 8) Step 2 - With our Event, Team(WMIRS Mission ) and Mission (WMIRS Sortie) chosen . We are finally ready to select the Files and Images to upload.
The AMOD 3080 was used as GPS Tracker External to the D-90 Camera to track our Flight. (The Camera was also connected to a GP1 GPS that was stamping the Location and Altitude to each image as it was taken) In Step 2 you can select and upload the GPS Track Log of the Flight. Selecting the Browse Button will open up a Browser to allow you navigate to the appropriate GPS Track Log in .NMEA Format. This Step is Optional if all of your Images are already Geo-Registered.
UPLOAD IMAGES 9) Step 2 - Since our AMOD GPS File has no extension (It may be a txt file!), nothing initially appears to select in your target GPS Log Folder, even though AMOD does present the GPS Points in a .nmea format. NOT A PROBLEM! Just change the default selection type from .nmea to “All Files” to find your GPS Track Log. Once ALL FILES option is selected, then your GPS Log may be chosen. This Step is Optional if all of your Images are already Geo-Registered.
10) Step 3 has you select a Folder. I don’t think the Images in the folder will upload unless they are already “GeoTagged” with the Latitude/Longitude. We generally shoot our Imagery with a NIKON D-90 with a GP1 GPS; or a NIKON D7100 with a Solmetta GPS. Selecting the Browse Button will open up a Browser to allow you navigate to the appropriate FOLDER where you have saved your Final Set of Images to be uploaded. It will Upload ALL THE IMAGES IN THE FOLDER – TO BOTH THE FEMA AND FLORIDA GATOR PUBLIC SITES, so you might want to be a little selective here!
UPLOAD IMAGES 11) When you have navigated to the location of your Final screened Imagery Folder, MAKE SURE you only select the FOLDER, and don’t drill down into the Folder In this case I haghlighted the FOLDER, and then can select the entire Folder for Upload. In this case I accidently “Doubled Clicked “ on the Target Folder where the Images were ready to Upload. Inside the folder they are all IMAGES, and it can no longer locate a Folder to upload! Just back out to the Folder Level and you should be good to go! Lesson: If you have ONLY ONE IMAGE TO UPLOAD, YOU HAVE TO PLACE IT IN A “FOLDER” IN ORDER TO SELECT FOR UPLOAD!
12) To finish Step 3- You just Click Start Uploading. Both the Optional GPS File and the Images will begin to upload. Upload speed will depend on Internet connection Speed and the resolution of your Imagery. My guess is around 20 Seconds with a D-90 at 12 Megapixels and a Minute (or More) per image with a D-7100 at 24 Megapixels per image. When complete, You should see the Overall project Loading up to 100%, Images show up in Green, and your GPS Track Log points show up in Red. Now you are ready to call up a Map to see your work!!
Display Uploaded Images from FEMA Public Image Events
The Public can view your images from the Following Site. If you get to the page below Look for the MAPS at the top of the Page (Hard to see):
Display Uploaded Images from FEMA Public Image Events
A better Link to Save for the Maps is shown below. Use the pull down menu to see the Events of interest.
Display Uploaded Images from FEMA Public Image Events
Depending on your Internet speed, It may take a while for the Images to show.
Display Uploaded Images from FEMA Public Image Events
Zoom in on the Green (Oblique) Purple (Nadir) or Gold (Ground) Dots to bring up a Thumbnail of the Images You have to click EXACTLY on the DOT or you’ll get No Info Available!!
Display Uploaded Images from FEMA Public Image Events
Click on the Thumbnail to open a New Window with full Image
Here are some tricks and tips to help with the normal frustration in using new software that may be alleviated as changes and improvements come down in the future. 1) Make sure your computer will accept Adobe AIR files by downloading and installing AdobeAir before clicking on the FEMA ImageUploader installation. 2) Make sure you are installing and using the newer ImageUploader and not the old CAPUploader. Since the Icons are identical you sometimes have to check the Names or open and look for the Map and see if Step 2 includes uploading NMEA Files. 3) Get your URL loaded correctly! The New ImageUploader URL is: 4) Get your Wing assigned Tokens loaded correctly! In the previous system, it would indicate it was uploading when the Token was incorrect, but no images were being uploaded. The Wing Operations Folks should have your assigned Tokens. As far as I can tell, the Old Tokens that worked with CAPUploader, DO NOT WORK with the newer ImageUploader. REMEMBER TO SAVE YOUR SETTINGS. 5) You have to be on the Internet for the ImageUploader to work! The URL you uploaded will direct the Uploader to a site with the latest Active Events and an ESRI Map. If you cant see a map, and you can’t select drop down Images, then your URL is wrong, or you aren’t connected to the internet.
6) Save your original Images to a “RAW” File Folder, and then create an Upload Folder. Clean out any unnecessary Images with Wing struts, wheels, badly out of focus, pictures of the Grandkids, family Cat, parking signs etc. Everything in your upload folder will go into the FEMA Public Website, and if you are in Florida – into the Florida SERT GATOR Website as well! I really like Nikon Free Software ViewNX2 for rapidly viewing Imagery in a folder, making sure it is all Geo-registered with Lat/Long, Merging unregistered images with a GPS File, and deleting any undesirable images from the Upload File. 7) When Creating an Upload in STEP 1, you can only choose created and active Events from the Drop Down Menu. If you have a strong need for your own Event, contact your State Reps with the justification, and they may have the pull with FEMA to add your Event to the Drop Down Menu. 8) When Creating a TEAM, Use the full WMMIRS Mission Number with Dashes. Like 15-A 9) When Creating a MISSION, Use the full WMMIRS Sortie Number like A0015. 10) When Creating a Mission, know what kind it will be (Aerial Oblique, Aerial Nadir, or Ground) This will assign the appropriate color for the Point when it is loaded on the FEMA or Florida GATOR Map. Usually Handheld airborne will be “Oblique”, but you can get near vertical if needed with a steep bank. Most Nadir will be with the new Camera systems (VIRB) mounted on the outside of the Aircraft.
11) If you can, use a Back Up GPS Tracker Log. It can save the mission and/or a ton of time trying to Geo-register your 300 Images when your GP-1 or Solmetta Camera GPS stops during the Mission. View NX2 or RoboGeo Software can merge the Track Log with the Images, after the mission is complete, if you have a backup. 12) When loading the GPS Track Log in STEP 2, Turn on “ALL FILES” unless you happen to have a Track log with the Extension .nmea. Your file really is probably in the folder you are trying to select, it’s just being hidden by the File Type filter. 13) The Track Logs in Red can be distracting on the FEMA Map, but you can turn them off by by De-Selecting (Unchecking) the NMEA Points Right Above the ImageEvents NMEA Box. This is the Middle Icon on the Left side of the Screen with all the different Image blocks you can turn On or Off. No such luck in Turning off the Red GPS Tracks with SERT GATOR Maps (Yet!). 14) Remember that for now, loading the GPS Track Log to ImageUploader is Optional. If you first assure that ALL of your images are Geo-Registered, you might want to consider the desirability of also uploading the GPS Track File. 15) The Blue Boxes that show up on the FEMA Map where you took your Imagery obscure the Map Background. Simply De-Selecting the ImageEvents USNG (US National Grid) Check Box will remove all of the Blue Image Boxes in the Map. 16) Selecting the Image Dot in both the FEMA and GATOR Sites brings up a Box with the METADATA for the Image and a thumbnail. If you look, it will tell you a bunch of helpful Info like the Event Name, the Team(CAP Mission) and Mission (CAP Sortie).
Contact Information: Richard W. Morrell Major - Civil Air Patrol (ID ) SER-FL-051, Charlotte County Composite Squadron (703)
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