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LUNCH Monday 21st November 2011 Tuesday 22nd November 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "LUNCH Monday 21st November 2011 Tuesday 22nd November 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 LUNCH Monday 21st November 2011 Tuesday 22nd November 2011.
Traditional beef chilli con carne Penne pasta with prawn and dill sauce Broccoli and pumpkin risotto Tuesday 22nd November 2011. Chicken casserole with seasonal root vegetables Smoked haddock, spring onion fish cake Vegetable korma Wednesday 23rd November 2011 Bangers and mash with caramelised onion gravy Baked tilapia fillet Caribbean style Sweet potato, lentil Dahl with mini herb naan bread Thursday 24th November 2011 Winter beef stew Pollock fillet in mornay sauce Leek and feta cheese tart Friday 25th November2011 Turkey chasseur Catch of the day with tartar sauce and lemon wedges Vegetarian sausage cassoulet All Meals £3.95

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