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2nd Layer of the Rhetorical Situation:

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1 2nd Layer of the Rhetorical Situation:
A great way to enhance understanding of effective arguments is through the Aristotelian concepts of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. This requires a basic working knowledge of rhetoric. A key to strong persuasive writing is the ability to dissect and validate, or debunk, the rhetoric of other arguments.

2 Perception of trustworthiness
Ethos is the credibility of the speaker or writer. In order to engage an audience on a particular topic, the person presenting the information must first establish him or herself as someone that can be trusted, or as someone who has a lot of experience with the topic. This is also known as ethics. Ethos appeals to: Intelligence Virtue Morals Perception of trustworthiness Ethos is the credibility of the speaker or writer. In order to engage an audience on a particular topic, the person presenting the information must first establish him or herself as someone that can be trusted, or as someone who has a lot of experience with the topic. This is also known as ethics. Ethos appeals to: Intelligence Virtue Morals Perception of trustworthiness

3 Ethos Example Children’s Tylenol

4 Pathos accesses the emotions and deeply held beliefs of the audience to draw them into the subject matter. Pathos often makes audiences feel like they have a personal stake in the information being provided and is often the catalyst that drives them into action. Pathos appeals to: Emotions and feelings Biases and prejudices Senses Motivations

5 Pathos Example Chevy Commercial

6 Logos uses logic, reasoning, evidence, and facts to support an argument. Logos appeals to the more rational side of the audience’s minds, and provides support for the subject matter. Logos strategies can often be used to strengthen the impact pathos has on the audience. Logos Utilizes: Evidence Testimony Statistics and Data Universal truths

7 Levi’s Commercial Trafficking
Logos Example Levi’s Commercial Trafficking

8 Example of All 3 Appeals in Advertising

9 All three at work together…

10 “Got Milk ?” The "got milk?" ads have added in their text that drinking milk can help you lose weight. This particular one features Meredith Viera, the host of Who Wants to be a Millionaire, and also one of the five hosts of the popular morning show The View. Meredith is holding a glass of milk reminiscent of a woman's hourglass figure, and she is proudly displaying a milk mustache. This ad plays on all three of the major rhetorical tools: ethos, pathos, and logos.

11 ETHOS Ethos is apparent with the sole use of celebrities as models for the ad. It says: "I drink milk and I'm famous; if you want to be like a star you should drink milk too." The play on ethos is also apparent in the use of the popular hourglass image. The hourglass is the most popular way to characterize a desirable woman's figure. Adding to this appeal is the slim Meredith Viera dressed in a conservative, but knee-revealing skirt to further convey the message that drinking milk can make you thin, attractive, sexy, and maybe even famous!

12 PATHOS Pathos, or pathetic appeal comes into play by the association of drinking milk with watching the waistline. This ad is obviously geared toward women, and many women are trying to, or feel the need to, lose weight. The image of the hourglass comes into play with pathos as well, for many women long to have this kind of figure. The hourglass is the most celebrated image of women in art and movies. The ad is presented in a way that celebrates that image, and suggests that drinking milk is the way to get it.

13 Practice: put the following into the rhetorical situation, apply the appeals, leading to the overall purpose!

14 Old Spice Colgate Political Ad




18 Turn to page 6 in textbook:
Independent Assignment: page 9 in textbook

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