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Antioxidants & Free radicals

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1 Antioxidants & Free radicals


3 What are Reactive Oxygen Species?
ROS also known as Free oxygen radicals Any molecule with an unpaired electron Extremely chemically reactive Damage cell membranes Responsible for more than 100 human diseases Aging, cancer, heart attacks, stroke and arthritis Some beneficial effects

4 How are ROS Formed? Primary source is our body during energy production Environmental contaminants Ionizing and ultraviolet radiation Prolonged low blood flow states (atherosclerosis, heart attacks and stroke) Diet (fatty and processed foods) Low levels of antioxidants

5 Protection from ROS Damage
Superoxide dismutase Catalase Glutathion Antioxidants in diet Supplementation

6 Aging and Effect on Antioxidant Enzymes
Significant decline in SOD Significant decline in catalase and glutathione Significant decline in energy production Cellular, tissue and system aging and failure

7 Scientific Support for Antioxidants
Animals with longer life spans have higher antioxidant levels Dietary increase in antioxidants increase life span Caloric restriction (reduces ROS formation) leads to significantly increased life span

8 Questions asked What are free radicals? Types of free radicals
Sources of free radicals Oxygen metabolism

9 Discussion on oxidative damage and oxidative stress
What is antioxidant? Natural free radical defense systems What are Phytochemicals?

10 Functional food or Neutraceuticals
Nutrients Non-nutrients Energy, building materials Factors regulating metabolism Phyto- chemicals pigments Antioxidants Fibers Other food components Lipid Protein Carbo- hydrate Water Vitamins Minerals Zn, Se C, E, b-Car EFA & non-EFA EAA & non-EAA Glucose Functional food or Neutraceuticals Cys GSH

11 Free radical-Mediated Diseases
Diseases of the old - Chronic and degenerative diseases (diabetes, cataracts, Alzheimer’s disease, cancers, cardiovascular disease, and aging) Diseases of the young and innocent - Acute and immature diseases (Eyes: retinopathy of prematurity, Lung: bronchopulmonary displasia, Brain: cerebral pulsy, Pancreas: Type 1 diabetes)

12 What are free radicals? Any molecule containing one or more unpaired electrons

13 Types of Free Radicals Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) -
Reactive Nitrogen Species (RNS) - NO. Reactive Metabolites or Intermediates - metabolic activation of drugs, toxins, pollutants, cigarette smokes, etc.

14 Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)
Superoxide (O2.-) Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) Hydroxyl Radical (OH.) - product of Fenton reaction catalyzed by free Fe and Cu Singlet Oxygen (1DgO2) - oxygen at an excited state, requiring photosensitizers and photons

15 Sources of oxygen free radicals
In mitochondria: - generation of energy - ATP - glucose, fatty acids, amino acids - O2 2H2O 4e- - leakage of O2-. (superoxide) H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide)

16 In Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (microsome)
- detoxification (cytochrome P-450s) - toxins, drugs and xenobiotics - O2 + RH R-OH and H2O - leakage of O2-. - metabolic activation - X.

17 In Peroxisomes - containing oxidases for degradation of various substrates - glucose, amino acids, xanthine, etc. - requires O2 - byproduct is H2O2

18 In Cytoplasm - nitric oxide (NO.) production from Arginine - functions as a biological messenger - in brain, vascular endothelial cells, and macrophages - NO. + O2-. ONOO. (peroxynitrite)

19 NO: a Biological Messenger
NO is a neurotransmitter (brain- bNOS) NO regulates blood pressure (vascular endothelial cells- eNOS) NO is a cytotoxic agent (macrophages- iNOS)

20 Production of Singlet Oxygen
- photosensitizers in the biological system (bilirubin, riboflavin, retinal, porphyrin) - requires light , O2 and photosensitizers - chlorophyll in photosynthesis - photodynamic therapy

21 Antioxidants Prevents the transfer of electron from O2 to organic molecules Stabilizes free radicals Terminates free radical reactions

22 Free Radical Defense System
Antioxidant Enzymes Antioxidant Quenchers Antioxidant from Foods – nutrients/non-nutrients

23 Antioxidant Enzymes Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) – to get rid of superoxide produced from electron transport chain, the product is hydrogen peroxide. MnSOD (mitochondria). CuZn SOD (cytosol).

24 Oxygen Radical Defense Enzymes
GSH Peroxidase CuZnSOD O2•¯ H2O2 H2O + O2 Fe2+ Mn SOD Catalase OH•

25 Antioxidant Enzymes - 2 Glutathione Peroxidase (GSH PX) – to get rid of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and some lipid peroxide. It requires reduced glutathione (GSH) as substrate and produces oxidized glutathione (GSSG) as product. A cytosolic enzyme.

26 Functions of GSH-dependent Enzymes

27 Glutathione GSH is a tripeptide, g-glutamyl-cysteinyl-glycine
The sulfur atom of the cysteine moiety is the reactive site which provides electrons GSH is stable because the g bond in glutamyl-cysteine (not the a peptide bond) is resistant to cellular peptidases

28 Glutathione GSH is the most abundant non-protein thiol in mammalian cells GSH is a substrate for two enzymes that are responsible for detoxification and antioxidation. Other physiological roles including cysteine storage and transport, prostaglandin metabolism, immune function, cell proliferation and redox balance Glutathione is the most abundant non-protein thiol in mammalian cells. In addition to function in the detoxification and antioxidation, GSH also has other physiological roles including cysteine storage and transport, prostaglandin metabolism, immune function, cell proliferation and redox balance.

29 Glutathione Synthesis
Protein Methionine Cysteine Glutamate g-Glutamylcysteine Protein provides the supply of cysteine in the GSH synthesis. Cysteine is also the limiting amino acid in the synthesis. So when dietary protein level or the body protein status is low, cysteine supply would be limited and GSH synthesis would be reduced. Glycine GSH

30 Antioxidant Enzymes - 3 Catalase –to get rid of hydrogen peroxide produced in peroxisome.

31 Antioxidant Quenchers
Cellular proteins which chelate pro-oxidant minerals (iron and copper or others) Transferrin – iron transport protein Ferritin – iron storage protein Metallothionein – minerals and heavy metals (Zn/Cu/Cd/Hg) Ceruloplasmin – copper transport and storage

32 Antioxidants From Food
Antioxidant nutrients – vitamin E, vitamin C, (vitamin A?), beta-carotene Phytochemicals – antioxidants from plants


34 Discovery of Other Functions of Phytochemicals
Anti-oxidant Anti-inflammatory Anti-estrogenic Anti-allergic Anti-cholesterolemic Anti-hemorrhagic Anti-mutagenic Anti-neoplastic

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