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Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development

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1 Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development
Human Development Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development

2 Kohlberg’s Levels and Stages
Three levels: Preconventional, Conventional and Postconventional Six stages: Each level has 2 stages that underscore a level of “maturity” in reasoning

3 Preconventional Moral Reasoning
Stage 1: Avoid punishment Ex. Keith won’t take the cookie because he does not want to have time out Stage 2:Satisfying one’s need Ex. Jake will take the cookie, knowing he risks punishment, because he wants it so much

4 Conventional Moral Reasoning
Stage 3: Seeks to win approval of others Ex. In order to be seen as “cool”, Janice steals the mascara from Longs Drugs at the urging of her friends Stage 4: moral decisions based on maintaining law and order Ex. During the protests, Austin, refuses to join in the looting because he knows it is against the law

5 Postconventional Moral Reasoning
Stage 5: obedience to law based on personal values Pre cannabis legalization, some parents broke the law to provide the drug for their sick children Stage 6: moral decisions are based on individual conscience alone Ex. Seeking universal justice and human rights for all (MLK, Ghandi, Malala Yousazfai)

6 Moral Reasoning from a gender perspective
Carol Gilligan: The way boys and girls are socialized determine their moral reasoning Girls are taught to empathize; boys a taught to think logically. Boys my seem to reason in the case of Heinz at a higher level than girls simply because of socialization.

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