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O Lord, thy Word is all divine

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1 O Lord, thy Word is all divine
Hymn 307 O Lord, thy Word is all divine

2 1 O Lord, thy Word is all divine: it makes the simple wise; its beams of heavenly glory shione on our adoring eyes.

3 2 ‘Tis like the sun, a cheering light that guides us all the day, and through the dangers of the night a lamp to lead our way.

4 3 While in thy Word we search for thee with reverential awe, open our eyes that we may see the wonders of thy law.

5 4 Thy truth is wisdom, and shall raise thy sons to perfect light, teach them thy holy name to praise, and worship thee aright.

6 Thy truth shall spread on every hand, and through the earth be known;
5 Thy truth shall spread on every hand, and through the earth be known; thy holy church for ever stand, eternal as thy throne. Joseph Proud

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