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Presentation on theme: "INNOVATIVE SENIOR TRANSPORTATION PROGRAMS AND SERVICES"— Presentation transcript:

Senior Mobility Program Same Day Taxi Program OC ACCESS Online Booking Service Regional Travel Training Service

2 Senior Population in Orange County
3.1 million people in Orange County 6th most populated county in USA 13.5% of OC population 65+ as of 2016 65+ population projected to double by 2040 By in 4 people in OC will be 65 or older OCHEALTHIERTOGETHER.ORG, OC Older Adult Profile 2016

3 Senior Mobility Program
Alternative transportation that can operate where there is no fixed route service Each city designs own program based on the needs of the seniors in their community Funded by OC Go, formerly known as Measure M2, a half-cent sales tax 31 cities and four non-profit agencies Low cost or no-cost

4 Program Designs Shuttle Buses – Call 1 to 5 days in advance, can be operated by a contractor or city staff Taxi Vouchers - free and/or pay as you go Discounted Bus Pass – fixed route $5 dollars (normally $22.50) for 30-day pass

5 It is a fast and convenient reservation tool
For Seniors It is a fast and convenient reservation tool It can be accessible through your computer, smartphone or tablet You can book, cancel and/or check on your currently booked and previous rides

6 Why Would Seniors Use Web Booking?
Improved customer experience User-friendly Convenient Time-Saving MV rebranded the ‘call center’ as staff provides transportation solutions to increase mobility Improve Solution Center efficiency – a reduced number of calls would provide the opportunity for agents to ‘focus on the customer’ instead of the number of calls More efficient utilization of staff – for example, you could create sub-groups which would be able to provide more specialized service depending on the customer’s needs.

7 Soft Rollout to the Senior Community
Phone survey conducted to select interested seniors One-on-one customer training with an average of 30-minute sessions Currently 241 senior users 4,839 senior rides booked Application benefits home care centers, who book multiple rides at the same time It was also welcomed by relatives who live away from their loved ones As riders called in for their trip requests, Solution Center agents introduced the OCACCESS Online feature to gain interest Interested riders whole be contacted by a dedicated staff person To ensure that our riders fully understood what OCACCESS Online was and how to use it, we assigned a staff person who’s sole responsibility was to talk to every rider who showed interest in the feature. This resulted in 1 on 1 customer training, averaging 30 minutes each It’s not surprising to realize that many of our riders actually look forward to talking to the Solution Center staff as a part of their social activities. Currently over 500…

8 Home Page Goal was to replicate the call center experience
Passengers will be taken to a screen where they will have multiple options. When booking a trip, pickup times are negotiated Landmarks and addresses are included for ease of use Once their trip is booked, they will be able to see at a glance trip information, including day and time for an entire month You can see the trips you have taken in the past and the trips booked.

9 Trip Details When checking on a ride, they will be able to see a Google Maps view, the pick-up and destination information. Another cool feature on this view is the ability to see when the vehicle is within an hour from the pick-up, a countdown time, based on the vehicles GPS. Better yet, after the pick-up is performed, the countdown time resets in relation to when the vehicle is estimated to be at the final destination. Great for family members and care givers!! Wouldn’t it be great if it also worked on your Smartphone? Yes, the screen does accurately scale to a smartphone screen

10 Smartphone View

11 EZ Wallet Allows for cashless fare collection
Reduces the time at ACCESS pick up locations Improved customer experience Expedites accounting process for cash fares EZ Wallet will provide customers with the ability to pay for their ACCESS trip at the time of booking. Similar to a PayPal account, passengers would have an account to debit their trip fare from, track expenditures, and replenish their account when needed. Some of the benefits would include reduced time at each ACCESS pick-up, improved customer experience (some customers cannot negotiate or account for their fare, due their disability)

12 Same Day Taxi Program Extends Transportation Options to Seniors
Operates Where No Fixed Route Service Exists Discounts the Taxi Cost for Trips >5 Miles

13 Benefits Direct Point-to-Point Service Not a Shared Ride
No additional cost for additional passengers traveling with the Senior Service is On-Demand Accommodates unplanned or spur of the moment trips

14 SDT Mobile Application
App Features View the nearest available taxi vehicle Receive a real-time estimated wait time Know the exact taxi fare before booking Track the vehicle progress on the application map

15 What Customers Say… 80% would have used OC ACCESS if this service was not available The App allows confidentiality when booking a ride in public No waiting on hold to schedule a ride The estimated time of arrival allows for other activities while waiting The app shows where the taxi is when in-route

16 Regional Travel Training
Concept Regional Travel Training provides education and resources for transit dependent individuals so they are able to travel independently between cities, counties, and/or various transit systems.

17 Regional Travel Training
To Riders Teaching riders how to select most efficient route(s) Understanding multiple map/schedule systems Access to treatment/healthcare resources Access to family/community networks Benefits To Transit Providers Increase in ridership Lowering the demand on more expensive services (i.e. paratransit, taxi subsidies, etc.) Providing useful feedback on regional travel road block (i.e. schedule coordination, safe transfer points, etc.)

18 Our Plan Mobility Management Partner Inc.
Orange, Los Angeles, and Ventura Counties Connecting County efforts for a common goal



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