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Venerate: verb definition: regard with great respect revere.

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Presentation on theme: "Venerate: verb definition: regard with great respect revere."— Presentation transcript:

1 venerate: verb definition: regard with great respect revere

2 venerate pronunciation: ven-uh-reyt

3 venerate related forms: adjective venerated noun veneration

4 venerate synonyms: revere worship esteem adore honor idolize respect

5 venerate On Memorial Day, Americans venerate those who have died serving our country.

6 venerate People venerate Confucius for his wisdom.

7 venerate As Americans, we are raised to venerate the United States Constitution and the rights it affords us.

8 venerated Venerated celebrities are often asked for their autographs.

9 venerated Mother Teresa is a venerated world figure who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for her dedication to the poor and sick.

10 veneration Mrs. Martino’s veneration of Jon Bon Jovi is well-known among her students; she regards him with great respect due to his philanthropy and charitable contributions.

11 The veneration of superheroes is typical among young children.

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