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Anarchy & Hate on the WWW

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1 Anarchy & Hate on the WWW
CJ 520 13.0

2 On the web, anyone can publish anything (almost)
Free Speech On the web, anyone can publish anything (almost)

3 Limits on Free Speech Obscenity “Fighting words” Commercial Speech
Provoke retaliation Commercial Speech No deception Restriction, regulations, limitations Incitement - “clear & present danger” Inciting “imminent lawless action” Time, place, & manner Libel / slander

4 Hate Crimes 18 USC §245 -
Has impact n victim & the community Potential escalation in retaliation attempts

5 Hate groups on the Web Right wing Left wing Supremacy groups
Skin heads Neo-Nazi Nation of Islam Anti-abortion, anti-gay, anti-genetic Left wing Eco-terrorists Anarchists

6 White Supremacy “The belief that white people are superior to people of other racial backgrounds. The term is sometimes used specifically to describe a political ideology that advocates the social and political dominance of whites”

7 Supremacy Groups Online

8 Eco-Terrorists “The use of threatened use of violence…against innocent victims or property by an environmentally oriented national group..” p. 224 Digital Crime..

9 Eco-Terrorist Groups Online
Animal Right ALF - Animal Liberation Front Direct acts against using those using animals for research or economic gain PETA - People for the Ethical Treatment of Animal

10 Eco-Terrorist Groups Online cont.
Environmentalism Acts are aimed at audience beyond the target and are often symbolic in nature Large monetary damages ELF - Environmental Life Force ELF - Earth Liberation Front

11 Anarchism “ A political philosophy encompassing theories and attitudes which consider the state to be unnecessary, harmful, and/or undesirable. Specific anarchists may have additional criteria for what constitutes anarchism, and they often disagree with each other on what these criteria are.”

12 Anarchists Group Online
Not as dangerous as those from the 1960’s Anti-capitalists, communists Workers Solidarity Movement Industrial Workers of the World

13 Terrorism “The systematic use of terror, "violent or destructive acts (as bombing) committed by groups in order to intimidate a population or government into granting their demands.”

14 Domestic Terrorists in Cyberspace
Internet allows for wider dissemination of information Wider communication previously unavailable Wider recruitment Larger, more united groups

15 Terrorist use of the Web
Recruitment Dissemination of information Fund raising

16 Recruitment Techniques
The three “d”s Dehumanize the opposition Desensitize violence Demonize the enemy Attract individuals outside of the group Long enough exposure to ideas normalizes them Games, music, images, vides, cartoons

17 Dissemination of Ideas
Romanticize groups previous actions Store & share information - not always public Groups creed/mission Blue prints for violent acts Stories of previous acts Information about potential victims

18 Fundraising Reach more potential donors Sales of merchandise
Games Music Books Vides of lectures Pay Pal & other e-payments

19 Law Enforcement Problems
Must have ‘probable cause’ to act Law enforcement not designed to collect intelligence

20 Intelligence “information concerning an enemy or possible enemy or an area ; also : an agency engaged in obtaining such information”

21 Intelligence History 1947 National Security Act
Established two areas of intelligence gathering Foreign - CIA Domestic - FBI Bureaus don’t always communicate

22 Intelligence vs. Investigation
Proactive Closed reports Confidential sources Arrests rarely made Investigation Reactive Open reports Known sources Arrests based on evidence & facts

23 Patriot Act Provide Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Law enforcement brought into terrorism battle Addresses areas other than terrorism Money laundering Computer abuse/crime Immigration process Fraud

24 Expands all Traditional Surveillance Tools
Wire taps - search warrant & court order Search warrant - legal document - probable cause Pen/Trap&Trace orders Court orders & subpoenas

25 Patriot Acts allows Law Enforcement to:
Surreptitiously monitor a person’s web surfing & internet communications Nationwide roving wiretaps on cell phones & land lines Profile an individual’s reading habits at local libraries “Volunteered” information from ISP’s on customer’s web surfing habits without a warrant or court order

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