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Discussion of Primary /Caucus Issues

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1 Discussion of Primary /Caucus Issues

2 Topics for discussion:
Support for Iowa and New Hampshire’s premier status Arguments against Iowa and New Hampshire’s premier status The role of the media in nominating process – how it can impact the outcomes Think of possible reforms to the current system

3 Possible Reforms 1 “The American Plan”
Ten two-week intervals; interval 1, randomly select states with combination of up to 8 districts to hold contests (Iowa =3, New Hampshire =2). Each successive period allows 8 more districts. To allow large states equal chance to be earlier, rounds are staggered Rounds as follows: 8, 16, 24, 56, 32, 64, 40, 72, 48, 80

4 Reforms 2 “Delaware Plan” Divide nation into four zones
Smallest states (red) vote first on single day in March, Pod 2 (yellow) in April, Pod 3 (green) in May, Pod 4 (blue) in June Pod 4 represents more than 50% of delegates, so winner would not be determined until June

5 Reforms 3 “Rotating Regional Primary”
IA, NH retain first status Rest of country divided into regions Randomly select the order, rotate it each primary season Alternate, more-complex, would have 6 regions instead of 4

6 Reforms 4 “National Primary”
Every state holds its contests on the same day

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