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Chapter 11 Functioning in Groups.

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1 Chapter 11 Functioning in Groups

2 Group Dynamics
All groups have goals. Most have both cooperative and competitive goals. Roles are expected behaviors for particular positions. Norms are the rules particular roles are expected to follow. Communication patterns may be rigid and formal or flexible and informal. Cohesiveness keeps groups together.

3 How People Behave in Groups
Conformity is a powerful force in groups. Conformity is not always bad, but it’s important to know when it is appropriate. Groupthink is an extreme form of conformity marked by uncritical acceptance of group beliefs and behaviors. An atmosphere of groupthink leads to poor decisions.

4 Participating in Groups
Analyzing group goals, roles, and norms: What are the group’s objectives? Are its goals cooperative or competitive? Does it function as a team or are there rivalries? Does it have a leader? Who is it? What other roles are there in the group? What are its norms? Is it formal or informal? What communication patterns are used?

5 Participating in Groups
Participating actively: Pay attention. Acknowledge what others think and feel. Be assertive. Contribute your own ideas. Be courteous.

6 Norms for Classroom Behavior
Attend class. Arrive on time and stay until the end. Respect policies about eating and drinking. Listen during discussions and presentations. Treat others with respect when you speak. Turn off cell phones and use computers appropriately. Resolve issues with the instructor.

7 Leadership Styles Democrats stress both tasks and relationships.
Taskmasters stress tasks over relationships. Nurturers stress relationships over tasks. Bureaucrats stress neither. They prefer facts and established procedures. Situational leaders follow the style most appropriate to the circumstances.

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