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Team Nova! Social Studies: Melanie Bilodeau-Meek

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Presentation on theme: "Team Nova! Social Studies: Melanie Bilodeau-Meek"— Presentation transcript:

1 Team Nova! Social Studies: Melanie Bilodeau-Meek
Language Arts: Steve Hanson Science: Rachel Harris Mathematics: Toni Zimmerman Special Education: Catherine Parlante

2 Geologic Time Scale Human Impact and the Environment Important items this year… SCIENCE NOTEBOOK ADL HABITS OF LEARNING -Perseverance -Personal Responsibility -Positive Community Member Inquiry Design Chemical Reactions Forces and Interactions Evolution

3 New Online Resource: Free Digital Textbook
Linked to Google Classroom Requires parental consent: Permission Slips going home soon

4 Language Arts Mr. Hanson
Textbook: McDougal, Littell Literature (Green level) Curriculum: Reading: short stories, fiction, non- fiction, poetry, plays novels, Accelerated Reader Writing: narratives, response to literature, persuasive essay, reports Speaking: formal and informal speeches/presentations, plays, poetry G.U.M.= grammar, Usage and Mechanics Homework Expectations: Mon.-Thurs 20 minutes of reading.

5 Open Up Resources and Exemplars



8 Social Studies with Mrs. Bilodeau-Meek
U.S. History featuring: The 13 English Colonies American Revolution The New Nation and Constitution The Jeffersonian Era Growth of the Nation North vs. South Westward Expansion

9 Habits of Learning



12 Personalized Learning Plans (PLPs)
Why PLPs? “To give students ownership over their learning and create a personalized pathway to their future.” PLP Features Common PLP Platform - Bulb PLPs will move with students from year to year Student Autobiography or About Me pages Themes across grade levels Goal Setting & Reflection Parental involvement/ feedback (via an survey) Digital portfolio showcasing student- created content, learning artifacts, and growth over time

13 Personalized Learning Plans (PLPs)
8th Theme: Community Making a Bulb page. Goal Setting Academic Goal Personal Goal Google Form to families 9th Theme: Strengths, Hopes, & Fears Continue using their Bulb page Take Strengths Explorer assessment in Naviance Create two goals (personal and academic)

14 Other Information... NOVA Website: Dates: Homework calendar
Important information Forms Dates: Fort Ticonderoga Trip - Oct 26 High School class Registration - January/February NAEP testing - February Science NECAP - May SBAC - May/June 8th grade Dance (EMS, ADL, Westford) - Spring Move Up Day - May HS Sports meeting - June

15 Fort Ticonderoga! When: Friday October 26 Cinnamon Bun Fundraiser
Fresh baked cinnabons from the CTE Pro-foods 9” container with 6 cinnabons $8 each, max 125 Orders by Thursday October 4, Pick-up October 3:15

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