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Latin America Chapter 28.

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1 Latin America Chapter 28

2 Vocabulary Latin America Aztecs Conquistador Inca Gaucho

3 Food Descriptions-Mexico
Tortilla Enchiladas Tostadas Quesadillas Burritos Tacos Tamales Frijoles refritos Chilies Hauzontle Jicama Nopole Chayotes Guacamole Moles Flan Café con leche Plantains Paella Huevos rancheros Pan dulce

4 Food Descriptions-South America
Manioc (cassava) Arepa Bollos pelones Hallaas Ajiaco Papa Aji Causa a la limena Cuy Anticuchos Chupe Ceviche Porotos Granados Pastel de chocio Chupe de marisco Chimichurri Empanadas Carbonada criolla Humitas Dende oil Vatapa Feijoada completa Abara Cuscuz

5 Geography, Climate and Agriculture

6 Mexico Geography: Land of deserts, mountains, grasslands, rainforest and a vast coastline. Much is mountains with valleys separating the different regions. The Climate is 50% arid/semiarid and 50% wet/humid.

7 Agriculture Half are farmers but farming is difficult because of poor soil. Crop yields are poor because farmers can’t afford modern machinery or fertilizer. Corn is Mexico’s major crop. Other crops are sugarcane, coffee, tomatoes, green peppers, peas, melons, citrus fruits, strawberries, and cacao beans. Wheat is grown and cattle graze in the northern part. Coastal areas provide seafood, shrimp sardine, tuna, turtles and mackerel.

8 South American Countries
Geography is varied with mountains, grasslands, jungles, forests, plateaus and deserts that divide the continent. The Climate is dry in the deserts, rain in the tropical regions and snow and wind in the mountains. Every type of climate in South America. Agriculture includes corn, banana, plantain, potatoes, sugarcane, coffee, fish/shellfish, cattle and sheep

9 Culture, History, Religion and Holidays

10 Mexico Culture: The Spanish controlled Mexico until the 19th century and so greatly influence their culture. Living quarters are simple and families are close-knit. In History the Aztecs were the original inhabitants and they had a very advanced civilization for their time in history. Their Religion is Roman Catholic. Holidays enjoyed are the Feast of Epiphany, Christmas, Candlemas Day and the Day of the Dead.

11 South America Countries
Culture: Influenced by the Inca empires. Today they are in a rapid population growth, along with economic and technological progress. Their cities appear modern with native churches from the early civilizations of the Incas and the Spanish. In History the Inca or Native South Americans built a large empire in the Andes Mountains. A very advanced civilization with roads, bridges and irrigation system for farmland. When Spanish explorers came the Incan empire was unable to survive however their influence remained. Their Religion is Roman Catholic. Holidays enjoyed are the Feast of Epiphany, Christmas, Candlemas Day and the Day of the Dead.

12 Religion and Holidays Their Religion is Christian/Roman Catholic.
Holidays include a blend of Christian celebrations and other beliefs. Many holidays/celebrations will last for several days and includes costumes, parades, dances and food vendors. “Carnival” is the most elaborate festival; similar to Mardi Gras. It is held in the Lenten season, 6 days before Ash Wednesday.

13 Cuisine

14 Mexico Influenced by Aztecs and Spanish.
Aztecs contributed chocolate, vanilla, corn, peppers, peanuts, tomatoes, avocados, squash, beans, sweet potatoes, pineapple and papayas. Spanish added oil wine, cinnamon, cloves, rice, wheat, peaches, apricots, beef, and chicken. Frying is important part to food preparation Seafood is common along the coast and wheat is used in the farmlands. The Emperor Maximillian introduced Austrian, French and Italian dishes.

15 South American Countries
Influenced by Spanish, Portuguese & Africans. The regional differences are because of the geography and climate of the specific regions.

16 South American Countries
Venezuela Colombia Ecuador Peru Chili Argentina Brazil

17 Meals & Meal Time Customs

18 Mexico Desayuno – breakfast that is substantial but not huge.
Comida – the main meal, served around 1-3 pm followed by a Siesta (rest period) Merienda – a light snack around 5-6 pm Cena – supper, supper served between 8-10 pm South America Countries: No Meal Customs Specified

19 Cooking Methods & Equipment

20 Mexico Frying/Deep Frying – tostadas & quesadillas Steaming – tamales

21 South American Countries
Frying/Deep Frying – Bollos pelones, plantains Steaming – rice, humitas, cuscuz Roasting – cuy (guinea pig)

22 Equipment--Mexico Comal-lightly greased griddle
on which a tortilla is made. Molinillo-a tool used to beat chocolate into a foam before serving; similar to hot chocolate. No equipment listed for South America.

23 The End

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