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Keheley Elementary School

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1 Keheley Elementary School
Welcome to Open House! Keheley Elementary School Third Grade Better Together!

2 General Procedures Agendas are used for parent/teacher communication. Please check daily and sign. Please check and sign your child’s Tuesday Folder on Tuesdays and return the next day. Please send in a healthy snack and water bottle with your child daily. No frozen water bottles. Dismissal: All changes must be made in writing. s/Dojo are not a valid transportation change. No changes can be made after 1:45.

3 General Procedures Continued…
Visitors - remember to sign in at the office. If you are volunteering in the classroom remember that siblings are not allowed to join you. Breakfast is served daily from 7:15-7:40.

4 General Procedures Continued…
Attendance is very important please make sure your child is at school every day unless they are sick. Students may not be dropped off prior to 7:15 am. They will not be allowed in the building before 7:15 as there is no one in the building to watch them. If your child is absent, please send an excuse note within 3 days.

5 Birthday Celebrations
Invitations may be passed out at school before announcements, if every child in the classroom is invited. If you would like to bring a special snack such as cookies or cupcakes (no cakes), you may bring them during our lunch time and pass them out then. Please keep allergies in mind – all treats need a label.

6 Homework Students will be asked read minutes every night and practice math facts. Also, study Science or Social Studies material. Study guides are provided for each unit.

7 Third Grade Schedule 7:20 Arrive and Morning Routine 7:50 Math
8:45 Specials 9:30 Literacy Block 11:40 Lunch/Recess 12:35 Science or Social Studies 1:20 Math 2:15 Dismissal

8 Literacy Topics Writing Workshop Units: Narrative, Informational, Persuasive Reading Workshop Framework covers comprehension, accuracy, fluency, and vocabulary. Grammar: parts of speech, subject/verb agreement, capitalization, punctuation… Word Study: prefixes, suffixes, synonyms and antonyms, homophones, multiple meaning words, figurative language…

9 Reading Shared Reading - the teacher introduces and models reading components. Guided Reading - the students are placed in small groups based on their reading levels. The group dynamics will change as often as needed to ensure your child is working to his full potential. Independent Reading - the child reads a book of his choosing on his level. Students will respond to literature throughout the year.

10 Guided Math Flexible grouping based on the specific concept being taught that week. Groups are based on prior knowledge of the concept that week. Each week will have a skill maintained to ensure the students are continuing to practice difficult concepts throughout the year.

11 Math Concepts Addition and Subtraction of Whole Numbers
Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers Fractions and Decimals Geometry and Measurement Data Analysis Algebra

12 Science Rocks and Minerals Soils in Georgia Fossils
Habitats of Georgia Conservation and Recycling Heat Energy

13 Social Studies Civics and Government American Indian Cultures
European Explorers British Colonial America Map Skills Economics and Productive Resources

14 This year specials are:
Art Music PE

15 Grading/Report Cards We will use 1s, 2s, & 3s on all summative assessments. 1 means that your child has limited progress meeting the standard 2 means that your child is progressing toward the standard 3 means that your child has met the standard consistently and independently Please watch for teacher commentary on papers that come home to see how your child is progressing.

16 Testing Cog-AT: Measures the students’ potential to learn
September 5-7 Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS): A national standardized test September 13-19 End of Year Testing: Measures the mastery of standards taught that year There will be a large testing window during April.

17 Inclement Weather This year we have to go by whatever is on your child’s inclement weather form. If you send a note of a dismissal change on the day of potential inclement weather, the note must state “the change will apply if school is dismissed early”.

18 Field Trip We are planning to take one field trip off site to the Tellus Museum for the Rocks and Minerals program.

19 Discipline We will follow the classroom rules
We will cooperate, be respectful, and work hard with a positive attitude. Class Dojo- Earn points for positive behaviors and lose points for negative behaviors. (Parents can keep track of behavior on their phone!) Classroom Compliments

20 Thank you so much for coming this evening!
We are going to have a great school year! Please feel free to contact us with any questions.










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