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U.S. History Vocabulary Week 3

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1 U.S. History Vocabulary Week 3

2 Belligerent Adjective Definition: warlike, tendency for fighting
Synonym: aggressive, hostile Antonym: peaceful

3 Conservative Noun Definition: tries to preserve existing conditions, institutions, and to limit change. Synonym: orthodox, traditionalist Antonym: liberal

4 Dearth noun Definition: a shortage of a required item
Synonym: lacking, deficiency Antonym: surplus

5 Decorum Noun Definition: proper behavior or good taste
Synonym: propriety Antonym: impropriety

6 Despot Noun Definition: a ruler with unlimited power; often cruel or oppressive. Synonym: tyrant, dictator Antonym: n/a

7 Emancipate verb Definition: to separate or free one from another
Synonym: liberate Antonym: imprison

8 Facilitate Adjective Definition: to make easy or bring about
Synonym: help, assist Antonym: hinder

9 Fallacy verb Definition: false idea; mistaken belief Synonym: untruth
Antonym: truth

10 Iconoclast noun Definition: a person who attacks cherished beliefs or established institutions. Synonym: imagebreaker Antonym: idealogue

11 Jargon Noun Definition: the specialized vocabulary of members of a group. Synonym: slang, lingo Antonym: n/a

12 Liberal Noun Definition: favorable to change or reform.
Synonym: progressive Antonym: conservative

13 Malicious adjective Definition: intentionally spiteful
Synonym: harmful, mischievous Antonym: innocuous

14 Proclaim verb Definition: to announce Synonym: declare Antonym: hide

15 Prohibition noun Definition: a law or decree that forbids.
Synonym: ban Antonym: allow

16 Ratify verb Definition: to approve by consent.
Synonym: formalize, validate Antonym: disapprove

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