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Tornado Table Top Exercise

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1 Tornado Table Top Exercise

2 Rules This exercise is meant for entire group participation
This is a no-fault exercise Use current plans, policies, and practices when considering your answer. What we “should do” instead of what we currently do will come out in the HotWash

3 Thursday, October 29, pm The National Weather Service just announced a Tornado Watch for east central Illinois What if any actions would be taken at the hospital at this time?

4 7:15 pm A funnel cloud was spotted just north of I-57 and Market St, traveling southeast Champaign Co EMA sounds the city wide tornado sirens Carle Security Control announces, “Tornado Warning” via the overhead paging system What actions would be taken by: The House Officer Patient Care floors Security

5 7:20pm Staff hears rumors of a tornado touchdown near a mobile home park on Market St, just south of I-74 Local radio confirms major damage to the trailer park How would Carle House Officer or Admin On-Call get this information If H.O. did receive this information, what steps would be taken

6 Mobile Home Park, north Champaign

7 7:30pm Severe wind (possibly a tornado)has blown out windows in the North Clinic building on the main campus What actions would be taken If the NC building is damaged, where would our EOC be located?

8 North Clinic Building

9 Tornado Footage

10 7:40pm The ED is at capacity and EMS advises multiple casualties from the storm are expected What actions will the ED take to care for a surge in patients What actions can HICS take to assist the ED House Officer Public Relations Security In-patient floors

11 7:50pm Moderate to severe damage has taken place in Champaign and Urbana Many worried well are arriving at Carle to seek shelter How do we handle this influx of worried well Where do we put them What outside resources may we consider to assist us

12 6:30am October 30,2015 Dozens of windows are broken in both the NC and SC. Glass is all over the sidewalks creating a hazard Who will clear the debris Who will assess the building damage What (if any) outside vendors will we seek assistance from Who will determine building safety How will messages concerning access/appointments get to patients and the community

13 Hotwash What plans/processes we currently have in place that are good?
Notification Response Additional resources How can we make any plan/process better?

14 Exercise Objectives Ensuring the exercise team understands our current Tornado plans and responses Identifying alternate EOC locations at Carle Procuring resources needed during a mass casualty incident Understanding the importance of accurate and timely notifications and communications

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