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Vocabulary Unit 2 Academic English 10.

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1 Vocabulary Unit 2 Academic English 10

2 You have a right to learn!
You have to write to learn! After reviewing the meaning and use of each word, write a sentence of your own. Be sure to use context clues to reinforce the word’s meaning.

3 (adj) really good at doing stuff with his/her hands
adroit (adj) really good at doing stuff with his/her hands I admire __________________ because he/she is so adroit at _____________

4 amicable (adj) friendly Amigo=friend
I have an amicable relationship with _____________; we have ______________.

5 (adj) extremely opposed or against
averse (adj) extremely opposed or against

6 belligerent (adj) likes to fight, combative
(n) someone involved in a war

7 benevolent (adj) kind, giving
-does things that are “bene”ficial for others

8 Complete Sentences#5, 7, 12, 13 and 20
On page 29

9 cursory (adj) quickly, not looking at the details enough

10 duplicity (n) deceitfulness Trying to “dupe” someone
“Duplicate” personas

11 extol (v) to praise a great deal “ex”claim about their greatness

12 feasible (adj) possible, able to be done Easy-ible

13 grimace (n) pained facial expression (v) to make a pained face
Face caused by something “grim”

14 Complete on pages 29 and 30: 1, 6, 9, 16 and 19

15 holocaust (n) large-scale destruction “Costs” people a lot

16 impervious (adj) not affected or hurt by; admitting no entrance

17 (n) a moving force, impulse, stimulus
impetus (n) a moving force, impulse, stimulus

18 jeopardy (n) danger Puts you in jeopardy of losing you life

19 meticulous (adj) extremely careful, particular about details

20 Complete on pages 29 and 30 8,10,11,14 &17

21 nostalgia (n) wanting to go back to the way things were, longing for something past

22 quintessence (n) purest form of something or the best example
The very “essence” of it

23 (v) to move backward, return to earlier condition
retrogress (v) to move backward, return to earlier condition “retro”-from a before period

24 scrutinize (v) to examine closely

25 tepid (adj) not especially interested, lukewarm

26 Complete on pages 29 and 30 2, 3, 4, 15 and 18

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