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Review for Unit 1 Test Created by Educational Technology Network. 2009.

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1 Review for Unit 1 Test Created by Educational Technology Network

2 Welcome to Jeopardy!

3 Historical Perspectives of Law
Vocabulary Historical Perspectives of Law Categories of Law Philosophies of law Philosophers of law 100 200 300 400 500

4 Vocabulary- 100 The political or legal authority to pass and enforce laws, or the judicial authority to decide a case

5 Answer 1 – 100 Jurisdiction

6 The science and philosophy of law; study of our legal system
Vocabulary - 200 The science and philosophy of law; study of our legal system

7 Answer 1 – 200 Jurisprudence

8 Vocabulary- 300 The concept that true justice is concerned with more than simply the punishment of offenders strives to meet victims needs. Hint: Emerged with Indigenous legal system.

9 Answer 1 – 300 Restorative Justice

10 Vocabulary - 400 A Latin term “reason for the decision”; the part of the judges decision that provides the legal reasoning for the judgement.

11 Answer 1 – 400 Ratio Decidendi

12 Vocabulary - 500 Identify and Describe the differences between primary and secondary sources of law and provide 3 examples of each.

13 Answer 1 – 500 Secondary: Laws that have been written down and are legally binding. (statute, constitutions, judicial decisions – case law) Primary: original sources of law that have been influential in shaping substantive law. (Customs, religion, social and political influences)

14 Historical Perspectives of law- 100
Earliest known set of codified laws; based on restitution and retribution

15 Answer 2 – 100 Code of Hammurabi

16 Historical Perspectives of Law- 200
Set of 10 laws based on the word of god. Given to Moses on Mount Sinai

17 Answer 2 – 200 The 10 Commandments

18 Historical Perspectives of Law- 300
List and describe the 3 main trial systems used in the early British society.

19 Answer 2 – 300 Trial by Ordeal – only used if the sentence for guilt was the death penalty (accused must undergo an ordeal) Trial by Combat – used to determine guilt or innocence (2 parties duel) Trial by Oath Helping – required people who knew the accused to swear an oath on the Bible

20 Historical Perspectives of Law- 400
Describe the key similarities and differences between the adversarial and inquisitorial trial systems.

21 Answer 2 – 400 Adv: used in Canada, seeks truth by having 2 opposing parties, rep by lawyers, argue a case in front of an impartial judge who weighs the evidence Inq: used in Europe, seeks the truth via questioning witness, judges play greater role + picking witnesses

22 Historical Perspectives of Law- 500
Define the term common law and outline how it developed under the reign of King Henry II

23 Answer 2 – 500 Law that relies on case law and is common to all people. Based on recorded decisions or similar cases Assizes + circuit judges

24 Categories of Law - 100 Identify and Describe the main difference between public and private (civil) law.

25 Answer 3 – 100 Public: relationships between people and the state
Private: relationships between private individuals and individuals and organizations

26 Categories of law - 200 Law that prescribes the methods and steps of enforcing the rights and obligations of substantive law

27 Answer 3 – 200 Procedural law

28 Categories of law - 300 Law that defines the rights, duties and obligations of citizens and government

29 Answer 3 – 300 Substantive law

30 Categories of law - 400 List and describe the 3 types of public law

31 Answer 3 – 400 Criminal: identifies crimes and prescribes punishments
Administrative: relationship between people and government agencies and departments Constitutional

32 Categories of law - 500 Identify and describe the 7 main types of private law

33 Answer 3 – 500 Tort Contract Family Wills and estates Property
Employment Consumer

34 Philosophies of law -100 Philosophy based on moral principles that are ascribed to God and cannot be changed or overruled

35 Answer 4 – 100 Divine law

36 Philosophies of law- 200 Philosophy that believes the discipline of economics offers best explanation of functions of law.

37 Answer 4 – 200 Law based on economics

38 Describe the philosophy of critical legal studies
Philosophies of law- 300 Describe the philosophy of critical legal studies

39 Answer 4 – 300 Law is not neutral or value free. At times supports interests of those in power. Law should be a tool for social justice. Judges should use own discretion to insure law achieves justice.

40 Vocabulary Part Identify and describe the theory of feminist jurisprudence, and list 3 specific amendments it has helped to make into law

41 Answer 4 – 400 Legal system upholds s/p/e inequality for women. Language creates and reinforces male values. Employment / sexual harassment Divorce Domestic violence – bws Political rights – person’s case

42 Vocabulary Part Identify and describe the key difference between legal formalism and legal realism

43 Answer 4 – 500 Legal formalism: philosophy that recognizes law as a science + believes judges should merely apply the law. Law is enacted by a legislature derived from state. Legal realism: philosophy that recognizes that law is vague; judges are real authors of law; judgements can be based on moods of judges. Judges shape precedents to reach own conclusions

44 Philosophers of law - 100 Believed that the ideal ruler of a society was a philosopher king + recognized inequalities in society.

45 Answer 5 – 100 Plato

46 Philosophers of law- 200 Believed that laws exist to preserve the social contract and benefit society as a whole. Thought that because ppl act out of self interest, which conflict with laws, they commit crimes

47 Answer 5 – 200 Beccaria

48 Philosophers of law- 300 Had 2 main ideas:
1) the great evils of human history follow from political injustice 2) once political injustice is eliminated, evils will disappear

49 Answer 5 – 300 John Rawls

50 Philosophers of law- 400 A philosopher that thought human law was more important than natural law. He thought that citizens make a social contract; surrender themselves to be governed

51 Answer 5 – 400 Hobbes

52 Question Can be quoted as saying/ who is he and what was his philosophy “It should be noted that different ways of knowing (ratio cognoscibilis) give us different sciences. The astronomer and the natural philosopher both conclude that the earth is round, but the astronomer does this through a mathematical middle that is abstracted from matter, whereas the natural philosopher considers a middle lodged in matter. Thus there is nothing to prevent another science from treating in the light of divine revelation what the philosophical disciplines treat as knowable in the light of human reason.”

53 Answer 5 – 500 Aquinas

54 Final Jeopardy Question

55 FINAL JEOPARDY Select 5 philosophers and state whether they have a natural or positive law perspective. What would be their position on: Euthanasia Abortion Capital punishment

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