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Module 4A: Not a Pretty Picture

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1 Module 4A: Not a Pretty Picture
Leadership Certification, Level III, Course #4 Rock-Solid Kids Module 1: Not a Pretty Picture – The Importance of Children’s Ministry (Mark 10:14) Module 4A: Not a Pretty Picture

2 What’s Wrong with This Picture?
Outside Jesus is happy Children are too old Disciples(?) are happy What’s Wrong with This Picture? Outside – The setting has changed in Mark10:10 from a public one to a private home. It took place inside a house. Jesus is happy – Children are too old -- The children who were brought to Jesus were likely infants or young toddlers. Some scholars believe it was a tradition to bring children at one year of age to a rabbi in a synagogue for his blessing. And so, it could very well have been that these children were brought to Jesus for His blessing and His prayer for them. Disciples are happy? – The disciples rebuked the parents. Why do you think the disciples rebuked the parents? The disciples were busy learning from Jesus, and so they probably thought, This just isn’t the time. They didn’t appreciate the disruption. What’s Wrong with This Picture? Rock-Solid Kids Module 1-2

3 The Context Mark 10:2-9 Pharisees debated Jesus
They tried to trip him up They failed Mark 10:10-12 The scene changes to a house The disciples wanted to know more The Context Mark 10:2-9 Pharisees debated Jesus They tried to trip him up They failed Mark 10:10-12 The scene changes to a house The disciples wanted to know more

4 The Parents’ Intent 13. Then they brought little children to Him, that He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked those who brought them. They brought young children to Jesus “They” probably refers to parents The children are likely toddlers and/or infants For the purpose of getting Jesus’ blessing The Parents’ Intent v “Then they brought little children to Him, that He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked those who brought them.” They brought young children to Jesus --“They” probably refers to parents -- The children are likely toddlers and/or infants -- For the purpose of getting Jesus’ blessing The children who were brought to Jesus were likely infants or young toddlers. Some scholars believe it was a tradition to bring children at one year of age to a rabbi in a synagogue for his blessing. And so, it could very well have been that these children were brought to Jesus for His blessing and His prayer for them.

5 The Disciples’ Response
13. Then they brought little children to Him, that He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked those who brought them. The disciples rebuked the parents Their attitude: “This is not the time” “We are doing something more important than blessing children.” The Disciples’ Response The disciples rebuked the parents Their attitude: -- “This is not the time” -- “We are doing something more important than blessing children.”

6 Jesus’ Emotion 14. But when Jesus saw it, He was greatly displeased and said to them, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God.” He was ANGRY!! He was angry at the disciples’ attitude Their “discussion” was more important than blessing children His words were words of rebuke Jesus’ Emotion v “But when Jesus saw it, He was greatly displeased and said to them, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God.” He was ANGRY!! He was angry at the disciples’ attitude -- Their “discussion” was more important than blessing children His words were words of rebuke Jesus was “angry”, “displeased”. Since Jesus’ emotional reaction is only recorded in Mark, it often gets overlooked. An artist who paints this scene without studying the Mark account will portray a happy, peaceful occasion.

7 Children are our future.
How We See Children Attitude #1: Children are a bother. Attitude #2: Children are a tool. This attitude is simply wrong! When it is present, there is apathy toward children’s ministry. This attitude is Jesus’! When it is present, there is a priority on children’s ministry. This attitude is true! When it is present, there is appreciation of children’s ministry. This attitude is practical! When it is present, there is approval of children’s ministry. Attitude #3: Children are our future. Attitude #4: Children are people. How We See Children Attitude #1: Children are a bother. This attitude is wrong! when it is present, there is apathy toward children’s ministry. Attitude #2: Children are a tool. This attitude is practical! when it is present, there is approval of children’s ministry. Attitude #3: Children are our future. This attitude is true! when it is present, there is appreciation of children’s ministry. -- Moses reminded the children of Israel of this view of children (Deut 4:40; 6:1-2). If we don’t minister to children, Christianity will die. Attitude #4: Children are people. This attitude is Jesus’! when it is present, there is a priority

8 If ministering to children is that important to Jesus…
Jesus’ Priority If ministering to children is that important to Jesus… Jesus’ Priority If ministering to children is that important to Jesus… That’s all I need! That’s all I need!

9 Resources Barna, George. Transforming Children into Spiritual Champions. Ventura, CA: Regal Books, 2003. Gospel Light. Children’s Ministry Smart Pages. Ventura, CA: Gospel, 2004. London, H.B., Jr., and Neil B. Wiseman. For Kids’ Sake: Winning the tug of War for Future Generations. Ventura, CA: Regal Books, 2004. Resources Barna, George. Transforming Children into Spiritual Champions. Ventura, CA: Regal Books, 2003. Gospel Light. Children’s Ministry Smart Pages. Ventura, CA: Gospel, 2004. London, H.B., Jr., and Neil B. Wiseman. For Kids’ Sake: Winning the tug of War for Future Generations. Ventura, CA: Regal Books, 2004.

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