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Lesson 3: Setting a Workstation Location

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1 Lesson 3: Setting a Workstation Location

2 Setting Workstation Location
Location Tabs in SurgiNet provide access to scheduled surgical cases in OR rooms for a certain location. Within a Location Tab (i.e. KD Schedule), all Operating Rooms that have cases scheduled are displayed. When SurgiNet Case Tracking is first accessed, you may see several location tabs, depending on your role within the organization. However, you can change the tabs that are displayed (to only see CHKD ORs, for example) when you log in by setting your workstation location. Introduction to Case Tracking

3 Setting Workstation Location
To set the default workstation location, complete the following steps: From within Case Tracking, select Set Workstation Location from the List Menu. The Set Workstation Location window will appear. Introduction to Case Tracking

4 Accessing Case Tracking - Continued
For CHKD Operating Rooms, expand the Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughter’s facility by clicking the plus sign. Then, click the plus sign beside the Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters building to show all locations within the building. Scroll down and select CHKD – MAIN OR. In the Locations area, select the location that you want displayed. 4 Introduction to Case Tracking 4

5 Accessing Case Tracking - Continued
For Oyster Point Operating Rooms, expand the Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughter’s facility by clicking the plus sign. Then, click the plus sign beside the CHKD Health Center at Oyster Point building to show all locations within the building. Scroll down and select HC O/P-OR. 5 Introduction to Case Tracking 5

6 Accessing Case Tracking - Continued
For Princess Anne Operating Rooms, expand the Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughter’s facility by clicking the plus sign. Then, click the plus sign beside the CHKD Health Center at Princess Anne building to show all locations within the building. Scroll down and select HC PA-OR. Click OK after you have made your selection. 6 Introduction to Case Tracking 6

7 Setting Workstation Location
Case Tracking will not update your view until you have logged out and logged back in to the system. When you login again, the location tab that you selected will display. The other location tabs will not be visible. Introduction to Case Tracking

8 Setting Workstation Location Tips and Tricks
Do not change the Location Views drop-down window. It should remain at Patient Care – All Locations in order to display the selected location tabs. If an incorrect or non-applicable selection is made under Locations (i.e. HC Princess Anne-CAP), the Case Tracking window will appear blank. If you have access to AOD, it will display when the Main OR selection is chosen under Locations. Introduction to Case Tracking

9 Unsetting a Workstation Location
You can elect to unset a default workstation location and to display all location tabs for which you have access. To set the default workstation location, complete the following steps: From within Case Tracking, select Set Workstation Location from the List Menu. The Set Workstation Location window will appear. 9 Introduction to Case Tracking 9

10 The Set Workstation Location window will appear.
The location tab that you currently have displayed will be highlighted.

11 Select the option to Unset Workstation Location by checking the checkbox.
Click OK.

12 Unsetting a Workstation Location
The PVTRACKDIALOG window will open. Click OK to close the window. Case Tracking will not update your view until you have logged out and logged back in to the system. When you login again, all locations tabs that you have access to will display.

13 End of Lesson Three When you are ready to proceed to Lesson Four, click on the icon above. Introduction to Case Tracking

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