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Casseroles What is your favorite casserole made of?

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Presentation on theme: "Casseroles What is your favorite casserole made of?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Casseroles What is your favorite casserole made of?

2 What is a casserole? A blend of cooked ingredients that are heated together to develop flavor. The word “casserole” is French for baking dish

3 Parts of a casserole Base Extender Binder
Meat, poultry, fish or cheese Extender Bread crumbs, potatoes, rice, grains, dry beans Binder Milk, broth, fruit juice, soup, eggs or sauce

4 Advantages of making casseroles
Saves time Saves energy Easy to prepare Complete meal Economical Large variety Make ahead Can be Frozen Serve in same dish Leftovers Little supervision to prepare

5 Nutrients in casseroles
Protein Meat, fish, eggs, dried beans, cheese Carbohydrates Rice, pasta Fat Sauces Vitamins Vegetables Minerals

6 Toppings Used for Color Variety in texture
Protects protein ingredients

7 Casseroles in America Early to Mid 20th century
In the twentieth century, casseroles took on a distinctive American identity. During the depression of the 1890s, the economic casserole provided a welcome way to stretch meat, fish, and poultry. Certain items were also scarce during World War I and leftovers were turned into casserole meals. The same was true during the Great Depression of the 1930s."

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