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2016 Staff Development IC - KCovington

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1 2016 Staff Development IC - KCovington
Ocoee Middle School 2016 Staff Development IC - KCovington

2 The Value of a Teacher… That’s YOU! “Thank you, teacher.”
4:29 4:46


4 ACT Prep begins in Middle School…
SUBJECT #Items #Minutes English Math Reading Science TOTALS hrs. 55 minutes Writing (optional) 40 “Depth vs. Breadth” Effective time use & technique. Built in Distractors. Choose BEST. NEVER leave BLANK!

5 ACT ‘tidbits’ Writing = *Analyze 3 different perspectives of an issue and develop an argument. Create own perspective. Typical issues: -Not understand prompt, supporting detail missing, -topic paragraph not well defined, -providing paragraph breaks, -poor spelling/penmanship. NO INK…

6 ACT ‘tidbits’ (*Correct your copy NOT 37-40%)
Math = Preparing for Higher Math 57-60%, & Integrating Essential Skills 40-43%-typically taught in Middle School Embedded w/in these two areas = Modeling 15 + questions. Efficiency essential,-one question per minute, (5 answer choices),-first half easier/quicker,-math questions get harder as go through test, -calculator allowed (know calculator). Draw diagrams (if not provided).

7 ACT ‘tidbits’ Science = 3 Passage types: (6-7 passages) Data Representation (12-16?s), -Research Summary(18-22?s), -Conflicting Viewpoints(6-8?s) Science = 3 Question types: -Interpretation of Data, -Scientific Investigation, -Models, Inferences, & Experimental Results. Practice thinking like a scientist! Biology – Chemistry – Earth/Space Science – Physics.

8 ACT ‘tidbits’ English = Five single words questions per passage. Conventions – 40? (Punctuation 10, Sentence Structure 18, Grammar/Usage 12) Production of Writing – 23? Knowledge of Language – 12? “When in doubt, leave the comma out.”

9 As teachers should take ACT if opportunity arises…
ACT ‘tidbits’ Reading = 3 Single passages, 1 Paired words, #10 items per passage, @8 minutes 45 seconds per passage. Key Ideas -23 ?s Craft & Structure – 11 ?s Integration of Knowledge & Ideas – 6?s “STRUGGLE with READING…most.” As teachers should take ACT if opportunity arises…

10 SO here’s your chance… Section 3 READING Passage II - Social Science
Pages 34 & 35. READ passage & answer questions # TIME = 8 min. 45 seconds… GO…

11 Answers…How did you do? 11- A (Voice) Common wrong B/C
12- J (Explicit Detail) H 13- C (Development) A/B 14- J (Explicit detail) F 15- B (Main purpose/idea) C 16- H (Main purpose/idea) J 17- B (Implied idea) 18- F (Vocab-phrase/word) J 19- D (Explicit detail) A/B/C 20- F (Key idea/detail) G/H

12 Have a great rest of the day!
Next Session: Session 1- 9:15-9:45. Session 2- 9:50-10:20. Session 3- 10:25-10:55. LUNCH- 11:00 – 12:25…  Amie Dean, guest speaker- *12:30-3:30. Have a great rest of the day!

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