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Media Studies 4 – The Editor

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1 Media Studies 4 – The Editor
The newspaper has the power to change what people think. Write this sentence down and write if you agree with it or not. Why or why not? Think of famous people, politics, breaking news or other things that may be found in newspapers.

2 Today we’re going to examine the editor of the newspaper.
We’re going to write to him about ‘Social Networking’.

3 An editor decides what goes in the paper
An editor decides what goes in the paper. He or she decides what is news and what people read about. He can stress that horse meat has been put in beef burgers, inform people of the dangers and convey the opinions of the people. He can make heroes villains and villains heroes (think of politicians and famous people).

4 Social Networking = Websites on the internet where people chat.
You’re now going to write a letter to the editor, arguing either for or against ‘Social Networking’. Social Networking = Websites on the internet where people chat. Before I go over the slightly different format than you’re used to, lets brainstorm some ideas .

5 Write a letter to the editor, arguing either for or against ‘Social Networking’.
Sir / Madam Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Yours, etc, Gavin Free Drogheda

6 The layout is somewhat different
Sir / Madam instead of dear.... End with “Yours, etc,”. Sign your name, then print your name. Your address (Town) at bottom under your name. Keep each point short and to the point – the editor is a busy man.

7 Write a letter to the editor, arguing either for or against ‘Social Networking’.
Sir / Madam Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Yours, etc, Gavin Free Drogheda

8 Your chosen hobby has to be promoted to the masses.
Now YOU ARE the editor! Your chosen hobby has to be promoted to the masses. Use the Five W questions to STRESS - INFORM – CONVEY information. Argue for it.

9 Homework Picture

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