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AVR – ATmega103(ATMEL) Architecture & Summary

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Presentation on theme: "AVR – ATmega103(ATMEL) Architecture & Summary"— Presentation transcript:

1 AVR – ATmega103(ATMEL) Architecture & Summary
31, March Digital Sig. in Chollian

2 Features RISC architecture High performance & Low-power
121 Instructions Most Single Clock Cycle Execution 32*8 General-purpose Working reg. + Peripheral Control Register Up to 6 MIPS Throughput at 6 MHz

3 Features Data and Nonvolatile Program Memory
128K Bytes of In-System Programmable FLASH Memory Endurance : 1,000 Write/Erase Cycles 4K Byte Internal SRAM 4K Bytes of In-System Programmable EEPROM Endurance : 100,000 Write/Erase Cycles Programming Lock for Flash Program and EEPROM Data Security

4 Features Peripheral Features On-chip Analog Comparator
Programmable Watchdog Timer w/ On-chip oscillator Programmable Serial UART Master/Slave SPI Serial Interface Real-time Counter(RTC) w/ separate Oscillator Two 8-bit Timer/Counters w/ Separate Prescaler and PWM Expanded 16-bit Timer/Counter System w/ Separate Prescaler, Compare, Capture Modes and Dual 8-, 9- or 10-bit PWM Programmable Watchdog Timer w/ On-ship Oscillator 8-channel, 10-bit ADC

5 Features Special Microcontroller Mode Specifications
Low-power Idle, Power Save and Power-down Modes Software Selectable Clock Frequency External and Internal Interrupt Sources Specifications Low-power, High-speed CMOS Process Technology Fully Static Operation

6 Features Power Consumption at 4MHz, 3V, 25℃ I/O and Packages
Active : 5.5 ㎃ Idle Mode : 1.6 ㎃ Power-down Mode : < 1㎂ I/O and Packages 32 Programmable I/O Lines, 8 Output Lines, 8 Input Lines 64-lead TQFP Operating Voltages 2.7 ~ 3.6 V (ATmega103L) 4.0 ~ 5.5 V (ATmega103) Speed Grades 0 ~ 4 MHz(ATmega103L) 0 ~ 6 MHz(ATmega103)

7 Pin Configuration

8 Block Diagram

9 Architecture

10 Architecture Harvard architecture
Separate memories and buses for program and data The program memory is accessed w/ a single-level pipeline The program memory is In-System Programmable Flash memory Developed in the last 1930s by Howard Aiken, a physicist at Harvard University The Harvard MARK I computer became operational in 1944

11 Architecture Von Neumann
Used a single memory space for instructions as well as data Simplified the design of the computer The architecture of the ENIAC(Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator) which built from 1943 to 1946 at the University of Pennsylvania is Von Neumann The machine could access only the instruction or the data at any one time Historically, this limitation has not been serious in general purpose computing. Standard for development of computer systems over the last 50 years

12 General-purpose Register File

13 Memory Configuration A

14 Memory Configuration B

15 I/O Memory

16 I/O Memory

17 I/O Memory

18 Reset Sources Power-on Reset External Reset Watchdog Reset

19 Timer/Counters Timer/Counter0 Prescaler
Real Time Clock(RTC) : kHz PCK0 is by default connected CK By setting the AS0 bit in ASSR, connected TOSC1

20 Timer/Counters Clock source CK, CK/8, CK/64, CK/256, CK/1024 and Ext.

21 Watchdog Timer separated on-chip oscillator

22 Serial Peripheral Interface
Full-duplex, 3-wire synchronous data transfer Master or slave operation LSB first or MSB first data transfer Four programmable bit rates End-of-transmission interrupt flag Write collision flag protection Wake-up from idle mode(slave mode only)

23 Serial Peripheral Interface

24 UART UART - Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter
Baud rate generator that can generate a large number of baud rates(bps) High baud rates at low XTAL freq. 8 or 9 bits data Noise filtering Overrun detection Framing Error detection False Start Bit detection Three separate interrupts TX Complete TX Data Register Empty RX Complete

25 UART Transmitter

26 UART Receiver

27 UBRR table

28 Analog Comparator

29 Analog-to-Digital Converter
10-bit resolution ±2 LSB absolute accuracy 0.5 LSB integral non-linearity ㎲ conversion time Up to 14 kSPS(Sample per second) Sleep mode noise canceler Interrupt on ADC conversion complete 8 multiplexed input channels

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