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6th grade warm ups week of

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1 6th grade warm ups week of 8-14-17

2 Monday (Mon.) 8-14-17 WU: What is an eclipse?
Ans: An eclipse is a generic term used in science to describe when one object passes into the shadow of another object.

3 Tuesday (Tues.) WU: What is the difference between a solar and lunar eclipse? Ans: 1: A solar eclipse occurs when the moon blocks the sun casting a shadow on the Earth. 2: A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth blocks the sun casting a shadow on the moon.

4 Wednesday (Wed.) WU: What are the areas of Umbra and Penumbra during an eclipse? Ans: The umbra area in which the shadow of an object is total while the penumbra is the area in which the shadow of the object is partial.

5 Thursday (Thurs.)8-17-17 WU: What causes an eclipse to happen?
Ans: 1: Eclipses occur due to the special coincidence of the moon and the Sun being the same angular size. 2: The Sun is 400 times wider than the moon, but it is also 400 times farther away, so they coincidentally appear to be the same size in our sky.

6 Friday (Fri.) WU: Why is safety important when viewing a solar eclipse? Ans: 1: The intensity of looking directly at the sun has enough energy to cause damage to the retina. 2: This can cause vision impairment and depending on the severity can be permanent.

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