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Minimizing the Aggregate Movements for Interval Coverage

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1 Minimizing the Aggregate Movements for Interval Coverage
Aaron Andrews and Haitao Wang Utah State University WADS 2015

2 Problem definition Input:
n intervals of the same length on a line L a segment B on L Goal: move the intervals to cover B such that the sum of the moving distances of all intervals is minimized L B

3 Mobile sensor barrier coverage
There is a sensor centered at each interval and the interval is the covering interval of the sensor B: the barrier Move sensors to form a coverage of B to minimize the sum of all sensor movements For minimizing the total energy cost of sensors L B

4 Covering ranges r r: the covering range of each sensor
2r: the length of the covering interval |B|: the length of B Assumption: 2r n ≥ |B| n sensors are sufficient to cover B r

5 Previous work and our results
O(n2) time, Czyzowicz et al. 10’ Our result O(n log n) time Ω(n log n) lower bound ---- a reduction from sorting

6 Related work Min-max version: minimize the maximum movement
NP-hard, if sensors have different ranges, Czyzowicz et al. 10’ Min-max version: minimize the maximum movement Uniform range: O(n log n) time, Chen et al, 13’ Non-uniform range: O(n2 log n) time, Chen et al, 13’ Min-number version: minimize the number of moving sensors Uniform range: O(n3) Mehrandish et al. 11’ Non-uniform range: NP-hard, Mehrandish et al. 11’

7 Three cases The containing case: all intervals intersect B
The one-sided case: intervals that do not intersect B are all on the same side of B The general case

8 The order preserving property --- Czyzowicz et al. 10’
There is an optimal solution in which sensors appear in the same order on L as those in the input Due to that sensors have the same covering range

9 The containing case Gap: a maximal uncovered sub-segment of B Overlap:
a sub-segment of B covered by two adjacent sensors or, a segment of L\B covered by a sensor o o o o g g o To cover B is essentially to use overlaps to cover gaps

10 The containing case – the algorithm
Based on the previous O(n2) time algorithm, Czyzowicz et al. 10’ There are O(n) operations Each one is preformed in O(n) time An O(n log n) time implementation By designing efficient data structures Each operation is performed in O(log n) time

11 Attached positions o g in attached positions

12 A greedy algorithm The gaps are covered from left to right
Consider a gap g Use which overlap to cover g? It’s right or left neighboring overlap Defining cost for o1 and o2 g o2 o1

13 Defining cost for o1 and o2
S1: the sensors between g and o1 cost(o1) = |S1| If we shift sensors of S1 leftward for a small distance ԑ, the total moving distance increases by ԑ · |S1| cost(o2) = |S2| – 2|S2’| S2: the sensors between g and o2 S2’:the sensors of S2 that have been moved leftwards multiplicative cost S2 g S1 o2 o1 S2’

14 Covering the gap g Find o1 and o2 Compute cost(o1) and cost(o2)
If cost(o1) ≤ cost(o2) Shift the sensors of S1 leftwards by min{|g|, |o1|} else Shift the sensors of S2 rightwards by min{|g|, |o2|, δ} δ: the minimum left-shifted distance of the sensors of S2’ Why δ? After the sensors are moved rightwards by δ, cost(o2) = |S2| – 2|S2’| is changed o2 o1 g

15 Covering the gap g (cont.)
After the shift, g is either fully covered or shrunk proceed on the next gap or the remaining g There are O(n) shift operations in total Previous work: O(n) time for each operation Our improvement: O(log n) time A position tree An overlap tree A left-shift tree

16 The position tree Each node maintains a shift value
Example: Shift sensors from 2 to 6 rightwards by distance 5 Find O(log n) nodes and increase the shift value of each node by 5 5 5 5 L x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 The current location of any sensor i is xi + the sum of the shift values at the ancestors of i

17 The one-sided case Intervals that do not intersect B are on the same side of B Our solution: O(n log n) time Using the algorithm for the containing case Reverse operations

18 Why the containing case algorithm not work?
The way we defined cost(o1) and cost(o2) not work cost(o2) = 3 (assume |S2’| = 0) cost(o1) = 1 d is an “additive” cost, not consistent with the “multiplicative” cost 1 o2 o1 g d

19 Our solution SR: the sensors whose intervals do not intersect B
SI = S - SR If no sensor of SR is moved in an optimal solution, Applying the containing case algorithm on SI SR

20 Our solution (cont.) Otherwise
r*: the rightmost sensor of S that is moved in an optimal solution SR’: the sensors of SR to the left of r* Step 1: move all sensors of SR’ leftwards until the right endpoint of B Step 2: apply the containing case algorithm on SI U SR’ The total cost of the above two steps is the optimal cost Correctness: the order preserving property r* SR’

21 How to find r*? A straightforward solution: Consider each sensor of SR as r* and compute the cost; return the one with minimum cost O(n2 log n) time Our solution: O(n log n) time

22 An O(n log n) time algorithm
Consider any sensor r of SR SR’: the sensors of SR to the left of r Step 1: shift all sensors of SR’ leftwards the shift cost Step 2: applying the containing case algorithm on SI U SR’ containing-case-cost(r): the cost returned by the algorithm Total cost for r = the shift cost + containing-case-cost(r) Goal: compute the total cost for all r in SR r SR’

23 Computing containing-case-cost(r) for all r of SR: the reverse operations
Suppose containing-case-cost(r-1) is known containing-case-cost(r) can be obtained based on containing-case-cost(r-1) and by reverse operations Record all covered gaps and those overlaps that are used to cover these gaps in the containing case algorithm o2 g o1 r-1 o2 g o1 r-1

24 The general case SR: the intervals to the right of B
SL: the intervals to the left of B SI = S – SR – SL Observation: If there is an optimal solution in which no sensor in SL is moved, then we can apply the one-sided case algorithm on SI U SR SR SL

25 Our solution r*: the rightmost sensor of S that is moved in an optimal solution SR’: the sensors of SR to the left of r* Step 1: move all sensors of SR’ leftwards until the right endpoint of B Step 2: apply the one-sided case algorithm on SL U SI U SR’ The total cost of the above two steps is the optimal cost r* SR’

26 How to find r*? A straightforward solution: Consider each sensor of SR as r* and compute the cost; return the one with minimum cost O(n2 log n) time Our solution: O(n log n) time

27 Finding r* in O(n log n) time
Several cases k: the minimum number of sensors necessary to fully cover B. Case 1: |SI| ≥ k Shift sensors of SL rightwards until the left endpoint of B Apply the one-sided case algorithm on S The rightmost sensor of SR moved in the above solution is r*

28 Finding r* in O(n log n) time (cont.)
Case 2: |SI| < k k*: the number sensors used in an OPT Case 2.1: k* ≥ k+1 Compute r* in the same way as Case 1 Case 2.2: k* = k Case 2.2.1: |B| = 2r * k The OPT uses k sensors in attached positions exactly covering B Find an optimal solution by a sweeping algorithm Case 2.2.2: |B| < 2r * k Find an optimal solution by using reverse operations and other techniques k sensors

29 Case 2.2.2: |B| < 2r * k Try all pairs (l, r) such that there are k sensors between l and r For each pair, compute the containing-case-cost Compute the cost for all O(n) pairs in O(n log n) time k sensors l r

30 Thank you!

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