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Persistent Annotations Deserve New URIs

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Presentation on theme: "Persistent Annotations Deserve New URIs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Persistent Annotations Deserve New URIs
Abdulla Alasaadi Michael L. Nelson Old Dominion University JCDL 2011 Ottawa, Canada June 15, 2011 This work supported in part by NSF IIS

2 Introduction An annotation can be described as a relation between different resources with different media types like text, image, audio, or video.

3 Goals A unique URI for every annotation.
Persistent annotations and resources. Annotate specific part of media. Keep track of the resources. Present annotation in browser. Meet the OAC model requirements.

4 Annotation Example

5 OAC Model
OAC specifies the relations between resources. Associates annotations with resources. Describes the annotation.

6 Media Fragment With SVG What part of the resource are we annotating?
The fragment URI for a rectangle part With SVG What part of the resource are we annotating? Media fragment specification does not support the non-rectangular shapes. SVG technology allows users to select particular parts of the images of any shape.

7 Annotation with SVG
urn:uuid:2AB92A D4-421D-D9DFB7ADA59E

8 Annotation’s URI

9 Annotation’s resources
Resources may: Move [location] Change [updated] Disappear Resources will be pushed to WebCite archive.

10 Annotation’s resources
Resources may: Move [location] Change [updated] Disappear Each resource has an archived copy.

11 Archive the Resources @ @ # # $
How can we keep track of all these resources? @ @ # # $

12 Resource Map The URIs and the relation between these URIs are represented with Resource Maps and Link headers. A Resource Map is generated for every annotation. Lists all the associated resources to this annotation and the relationship between them.

13 (A) The annotation Ex:Anno oac:hasBody oac:hasTarget uu1 ex:Tusk
Ex:Anno oac:hasBody oac:hasTarget uu1 ex:Tusk oac:constrainedBy oac:constrains ex:svg ex:AFRICA

14 (B) Adding mementos memento Ex:Anno M-1 oac:hasBody oac:hasTarget uu1
memento Ex:Anno M-1 oac:hasBody oac:hasTarget uu1 ex:Tusk memento oac:constrainedBy M-2 oac:constrains ex:svg ex:AFRICA memento M-3 memento M-4

15 (C) Resource Map to aggregate resources
ReM ore:describes memento Ex:Anno M-1 Agg oac:hasBody oac:hasTarget ore:aggregates uu1 ex:Tusk memento oac:constrainedBy M-2 oac:constrains ex:svg ex:AFRICA memento M-3 memento M-4

16 Implementation Two main Services: Scalable Vector Graphs SVG.
Create and share the annotation. Retrieve and represent the annotation. Scalable Vector Graphs SVG. ORE Resource Maps. WebCite Bitly SVG used Easy to create an annotation with different resources, XML -> RDF Supported by ALL major Browsers. Indexable, we can find the annotation or part of the annotation in the search results of the search engines. Amny resources ! -> Resource Maps.

17 SVG_Edit Plugin

18 Create The Annotation Annotating online service Push to Archive
Generate RDF Browser Annotation’s data Generate ReM Annotation’s URI Shorten the URI

19 Retrieve and share the annotation

20 Conclusion The paper concentrates mainly on minting new URIs for the annotations. Annotating the media fragments was made possible using the SVG and its media tags. Using the web archives solved the issue of keeping the annotation persistent over time. The Resource Map is the perfect solution to keep track of all the related Demonstration video:

21 Conclusion Demonstration video:
The paper concentrates mainly on minting new URIs for the annotations. Annotating the media fragments was made possible using the SVG and its media tags. Using the web archives solved the issue of keeping the annotation persistent over time. The Resource Map is the perfect solution to keep track of all the related Demonstration video:

22 Backup Slides.

23 RDF Syntax ex:Anno a oac:Annotation , oac:hasBody ex:Tusk ,
oac:hasTarget uu1 . uu1 a oac:ConstrainedTarget , oac:constrains ex:AFRICA , oac:constrainedBy ex:svg . ex:svg a oac:SvgConstraint , dc:format "image/svg+xml" . ex:Tusk a oac:Body .

24 Create The Annotation

25 Retrieve The Annotation

26 Link Header curl -I link: < ; rel=" anchor = " < ; rel=" anchor = " < ; rel="resourcemap", < rel ="memento"; datetime= "Sun, 12 Jun :15:19 GMT", < rel ="memento"; datetime= "Sun, 12 Jun :15:19 GMT" Content-Type: text/html

27 Resource Map <link rel=" href=" title="The original Target" type="image/jpg"/> <link rel=" href=" title="The RDF annotation“ type="application/rdf+xml"/> <link rel=" href=" _2ASHdLrOGi0/TNmzuwr3kKI/AAAAAAAAAzI/Y91p52Huq3s/ s1600/elephant-tusks-460_ c jpg" title="The Body" type="image/jpg"/> <link rel=" href=" title="Archived Target" type= "text/html"/> <link rel=" href=" title="Archived RDF Annotation“ type="text/html"/>

28 Resource Map Cont… <link rel=" href=" title="Archived Body“ type= "text/html"/> <oreatom:triples> <oac:Annotation rdf:about=' <oac:hasbody rdf:resource=' <oac:hasTarget rdf:resource=' <oac:hasTargetContext> <oac:TargetContext> <oac:contextAbout rdf:resource=' <oac:when> T20:51:20-00:00</oac:when> <dc:type>image/gif</dc:type> </oac:TargetContext> </oac:hasTargetContext> <rdf:type rdf:resource=' </oac:Annotation> </oreatom:triples>

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