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WP1 Elaboration of cooperation and support models of SEs operating in disadvantaged CE regions Hungarian results by HCSOM and Konett.

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Presentation on theme: "WP1 Elaboration of cooperation and support models of SEs operating in disadvantaged CE regions Hungarian results by HCSOM and Konett."— Presentation transcript:

1 WP1 Elaboration of cooperation and support models of SEs operating in disadvantaged CE regions Hungarian results by HCSOM and Konett

ACTIVITIES DONE HALF DONE NOT STARTED YET Desk analysis for socio-economic and legal freamework X Case studies (2-5) At least 1 on support services At least 1 on networking initiatives

DEFINITION OF THE TARGET: «less developed areas» According to the EU categories, all NUTS2 region in Hungary, except Central-Hungary with Budapest DESCRIPTION OF THE «SE SUPPORT SERVICES» All services and policies, linked to the development and launch of social enterprises DESCRIPTION OF THE «NETWORKING ACTIVITIES» Networks and cooperations with social enterprise members OR for supporting SEs, (the number of members is irrespective)

4 SWOT analysis to sum- up and highlight the main key findings for SE support service
STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES Various forms Fundaments for later development Professional experience in the non-profit and public sector The coexistence of state policies, non-profit activities and services Various type of sources Diverse opportunities in supporting young entrepreneurs and for mentoring the SEs - Low state involvement, few policy initiatives - Lack of coordination and common goals - Lack of interconnected services - Weak or absent services in start-up support, financing, training, market, advising, innovation. - The overweight of non-profit based services, lack of private investments or public sources. OPPORTUNITIES THREATS Strengthen the lack of or weak support services Replacing the missing services Start a new, complex service covering all areas of support (SENTINEL pilot?) Developing sectoral dialogue forums for the effective use of existing opportunities Feedback the existing knowledge and experience in future developments of supporting services - Lack of resources and founds - Missing policy background - An overwhelming competition exists in the market of supporting services

5 SWOT analysis to sum- up and highlight the main key findings for SE networking activities
STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES strong networks for social cooperatives changing information between the members of networks small number of existing networks a low number of members in networks completely missing networks in some sectors of SEs minimal state involvement lack of funds and sources for networking almost completely missing networks for financing, lobbying, advising, cross-sector projects, knowledge transfers OPPORTUNITIES THREATS Needs for cooperate in networks Building on the results and experiences of the already working networks Possibility to build new networks in almost all themes (no competition) Use the results of the researches about SEs Government willingness to strengthening the networks of SEs Joint lobbying towards to decision-makers for the appropriate legal environment Lack of resources and founds Missing policy background Disinterest of SEs Evolving of rival SEs networks

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