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Welcome to APUSH Mr. Kingston.

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1 Welcome to APUSH Mr. Kingston

2 AP Test Breakdown There are two Sessions: Session 1 Session 2
PART A: Multiple Choice 55 Questions (55 minutes & 40%) PART B: Short Answer 3 Questions (40 minutes & 20%) You get to choose from 4 questions Session 2 PART A: Document Based Question 1 Question (60 minutes & 25%) PART B: 1 Question (40 minutes & 15%) You get to choose from 3 questions

3 AP Course Breakdown Period 1: 1491-1607 5% 5% Period 2: 1607-1754 10%
Period 9: 1980-Present 5% 5%

4 Vocabulary & Expectations
Advance Placement United States History Seven Themes: Identity – ID Work, Exchange, and Technology – WXT Peopling – PEO Politics and Power – POL America in the World – WOR Environment and Geography – ENV Ideas, Beliefs, and Culture – CUL Vocabulary: Students will be required to provide written analysis of the seven themes in Advanced Placement United States History by completing vocabulary as outlined in the course textbook (additional terms may be supplemented by the teacher) for each Part as designated by the text book. Each assigned term must be defined and analyzed by applying the term to one of the seven themes and all themes must be utilized where appropriate. An example follows:

5 1. Puritans A name given to those more extreme Protestants within the Church of England who wanted to stay in the church but “purify” it of what they saw as Roman Catholic ways. (Above: textbook definition, but you must create your own definition.) CUL: The Puritans believed that the church was still tied to Catholicism and wanted to distance their religious practices from that, eventually moving to the New World. * Vocabulary will always need to be hand written and use complete sentences.

6 Analysis Ask the “WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY, & HOW” questions! HIPPO
H = Historical Context I = Intended Audience P = Point of View P = Purpose O = Organization



9 Based on your readings and this image; what were the initial reactions of the Europeans and Natives meeting each other?


11 Chapter 1 & 2 Questions …

12 APUSH Chapter 1 & 2 Study Guide
What were the consequences of the disappearance of the Bering Land Bridge? What was revealed about the native settlements in South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee? What impact did the exploration of Africa have on labor? Under what circumstances did African’s enslave other Africans? Chapter 2 Initially how was Columbus received by the local Native Americans? What were the characteristics of Spanish Florida? How did Native Americans greet Giovanni de Verrazano, where? Compare and contrast the Puritans, Anglicans and Catholics during this period. What challenges existed in Roanoke, ultimately what happened to this colony?

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