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We know that American is constantly changing and creating new history

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1 We know that American is constantly changing and creating new history
We know that American is constantly changing and creating new history. One of the biggest changes in American History occurred through the struggles of black Americans. So tell me, how does a person go from....Click on links



4 A trip Through time **important dates**

5 In early 1619, colonists brought the first African Americans into the new world to work their cotton plantations and basically be their waiter hand and foot. This date started a slave-style society that would keep blacks in misery for more than 200 years!

6 1773: Phyllis Wheatley publishes a book of poetry
1808: U.S. bans the importation of slaves 1831: Nat Turner Slave Revolt 1846: Frederick Douglas publishes The North Star (abolitionist newspaper) 1850: Harriet Tubman escapes slavery and helps others escape using the Underground Railroad 1852: Harriet Beecher Stowe publishes Uncle Tom's Cabin 1857: Dred Scot Court Case 1860: Abe Lincoln is elected president, many states seceded from the union.

7 1861: The Civil War begins 1863: Abe Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation 1865: The Civil War ends and the 13th Amendment abolishes slavery. 1866: Civil Right Act protects the new freedmen 1896: Plessy vs. Ferguson case legalized segregation 1909: NAACP Founded 1954: Brown vs. Board of Education presents one of the, if not the biggest, court cases in history 1955: Rosa Parks arrested for refusing to give up her bus seat to a white man

8 1960: SNCC Founded/Freedom Riders
1963: March on Washington 1964: Lyndon B. Johnson gets the Civil Rights Act passed 1965: Voting Rights Act makes literacy tests illegal and the 24th Amendment eliminates poll taxes 1966: Thurgood Marshall is appointed to the Supreme Court 1991: Clarence Thomas appointed to the Supreme Court 2008: Barack Obama is elected president of the United States of America

9 George Washington Thomas Jefferson Andrew Jackson James K. Polk Millard Fillmore James Buchanan Abe Lincoln Andrew Johnson Grover Cleveland William H. Taft Dwight D. Eisenhower Lyndon B. Johnson George Bush





14 Faced Extreme Discrimination Became the leader of our free world
Worked as slaves Faced Extreme Discrimination Became the leader of our free world

15 African Americans went through a lot during the course of United States History. Some of these people helped shaped the way our nation is today! African Americans never stopped fighting for their rights and showed the world that persistence and heart can overshadow the color of skin.

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