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A drop of French in the sea of English

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Presentation on theme: "A drop of French in the sea of English"— Presentation transcript:

1 A drop of French in the sea of English
Ladislav Václavík Masaryk University Language Centre Brno, Czech Republic

2 Preparation Enactment/Implementation Evaluation → Adaptation Outline

3 Run-up stage of the project
Origins FRMU MU strategic plan

4 Project description Main objective Stakeholders Goals and objectives
Reasons why Project description

5 Ur-syllabus topics 1 Human health and illnesses 2 Human body
3 Doctors and patients 4 Medicaments 5 Hospitals 6 Societal issues (healthcare, MSF) Ur-syllabus topics

6 Project approved!

7 Needs analysis Materials Assessment plan Syllabus Project work

8 Needs analysis Syllabus Enactment Adaptation Curriculum design

9 Need analysis Consultations with colleagues & my experience
Entry questionnaire Discussion with students End-of-course questionnaire Need analysis

10 Needs analysis stage 1 Teacher experience Consultation Researching

11 Materials

12 Syllabus design (March-August 2016)
Four-strand balance Student-centred

13 Towards a well-balanced course
Meaning-focused input Meaning-focused output Form-focused input Fluency practice Towards a well-balanced course

14 Syllabus – content areas
Introduction Faire connaissance du français médical Étudier la médecine Faire connaissance avec l’hôpital Lire le corps humain Interroger un patient Examiner un patient Imagerie médicale Médicaments Système de santé Syllabus – content areas

15 Five strands Semaine Sujet Vocabulaire Grammaire Savoir-faire Culture
2 Faire connaissance du français médical Maladies, santé Morphologie des termes médicaux Reconnaître un terme de maladie, décrire son état de santé Le français des médecins et le français des patients ... 9 Examiner un patient Les étapes de l’examen médical Impératif (politesse) Instruire le patient de manière polie La relation entre le médecin et le patient, éthique médicale

16 Assessment plan Observation Homework Vocabulary log Motivation letter

17 Pilot course (Sept-Dec 2016)
Entry questionnaire and interviews Who were the students? Self-perception of French? Expectations/ Priorities? During-the-course observations End-of-course questionnaires Pilot course (Sept-Dec 2016)

18 Needs analysis stage 2 Entry questionnaire & discussion
Background Experience with French Reasons for enrolling Self-assessment Needs analysis stage 2 Entry questionnaire & discussion

19 Entry questionnaire

20 Entry questionnaire

21 Entry questionnaire

22 Entry questionnaire

23 Entry questionnaire

24 Entry questionnaire

25 Êtes-vous allé en France?

26 Entry questionnaire

27 Entry questionnaire

28 Entry questionnaire

29 Entry questionnaire

30 Entry questionnaire

31 Discussion on topics Placement test Entry questionnaire

32 4-strand balance (fluency development)
Topic prioritization 4-strand balance (fluency development) Material dilution Syllabus adaptation I

33 Needs analysis stage 3

34 End-of-course evaluation questionnaire
Satisfaction Suggestions

35 End-of-course questionnaire: expectations
Enhance my vocabulary Enhance Learn about healthcare systems in France Learn about Brush up on my French Brush up

36 End-of-course questionnaire: satisfaction

37 End-of-course questionnaire: content

38 End-of-course questionnaire: content balance

39 End-of-course questionnaire: strengths
Discussions, opportunity to voice one’s opinion Study materials (videos, worksheets) French-only classes Atmosphere, individual approach End-of-course questionnaire: strengths

40 End-of-course questionnaire: weaknesses
Too little grammar Just once a week Heterogenous group End-of-course questionnaire: weaknesses

41 End-of-course questionnaire: what did I learn?
Basics of medical French New information sources How to communicate with a patient Lots of medical terminology Grammar Ask questions on anamnesis How to examine patient using French How to ask my way in a hospital How the healthcare system in France works… End-of-course questionnaire: what did I learn?

42 End-of-course questionnaire: would you recommend the course to others?
Yes, there’s a lack of similar courses at MF MU. Yes, it’s definitely not a waste of time, I learnt a lot. Definitely yes, it’s an interesting course, it gave me a lot. Definitely yes, it was beneficial. The course is useful for people who think of studying or working in France. End-of-course questionnaire: would you recommend the course to others?

43 Syllabus adaptation II Online work
Self-directed learning Authentic materials Medical news Vocabulary sets In-class activities Quizlet Out-of-class discussions Enhanced sharing Edmodo Syllabus adaptation II Online work

44 Syllabus adaptation II Grammar
E-learning course French grammar Based on medical topics Syllabus adaptation II Grammar

45 Conclusion Interdependency: students and teachers in needs analysis
Flexibility: two-stage syllabus adaptation Prosperity: MU foreign language learning trends Conclusion

46 Thank you for your attention!

47 References Fassier, T., Talavera-Goy, S. (2008). Le français des médecins. Grenoble: PUG Graves, K. (2000). Designing language courses: A guide for teachers. Boston, MA: Heinle & Heinle. Graves, K. (2008). The language curriculum: A social contextual perspective. Language Teaching 41:2, 147–181 Long, M. (2005). Second language needs analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Mourlhon-Dallies, F., Tolas, J. (2004). Santé-mé Paris: CLE International Nation, I.S.P. (2013). Learning vocabulary in another language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Snyder, J., F. Bolin & K. Zumwalt (1992). Curriculum implementation. In Jackson (ed.), 402–435. Thieulle, J. (2010). Le langage médical. Wolters Kluwer France

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