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Eh Tan CIG at CIDER Workshop 2009

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1 Eh Tan CIG at CIDER Workshop 2009
CIDER & Superdomes Eh Tan CIG at CIDER Workshop 2009

2 Motivation: anti-correlation of V and Vs
Density Motivation: anti-correlation of V and Vs Suggesting high Ks material normal Ks Depth high Ks

3 Density normal Ks high Ks high 0 Depth

4 Density high Ks high 0 Depth high Ks high 0 high T

5 Density Depth high Ks high 0 high Ks high 0 high T
Tan and Gurnis, GRL, 2005

6 Density Depth high Ks high 0 high Ks high 0 high T
Tan and Gurnis, GRL, 2005

7 Density Depth high Ks high 0 high Ks high 0 high T
Tan and Gurnis, GRL, 2005

8 Density Depth high Ks high 0 high Ks high 0 high T
Tan and Gurnis, GRL, 2005

9 Density Depth high Ks high 0 high Ks high 0 high T
Tan and Gurnis, GRL, 2005

10 Composition Temperature Tan et al, in preparation

11 Composition Temperature Vs Vp


13 Conclusion Preferred parameters for high-Ks superdomes:
KS = 6% ~ 8%,  = 2% ~ 3% at surface KS = 6% ~ 8%,  = 0.5% ~ 1.5% at CMB pressure, normal mantle temperature KS = 1% ~ 2%,  = -0.5% ~ 0.5% at CMB pressure, elevated temperature (+ 500K ~ 1000K) depends on the thermal expansion, viscosity contrast, and the temperature of the mantle and CMB Not an unique dynamic interpretation of the superdomes, but the most viable one Tan and Gurnis, JGR, 2006

14 Speculation Mineral physics Superdome material: +Si, +?Fe
Fe: ~ KS, ++  Si: ++ KS, +  Al, Ca, Na: ??? Superdome material: +Si, +?Fe Original of the material? Geochemical implication?

15 CIDER & Me 2 weeks at 2004 1 day (Intro to CIG) at 2006
2 days (Geodynamics Tutorial) at 2008

16 CIDER Summer Workshop Education component is very successful
we should keep doing it Extends research component, how?

17 CIDER 2+2 weeks tutorial+workshop
Inter-disciplinary collaboration during the workshop How to sustain the collaboration beyond the workshop? Web discussion forums? Exchanging program?

18 Working Group Past experience Difficulty
several benchmarks for numerical geodynamics codes REM Difficulty long term investment: >2yr distracted by daily work Needs a person to push the group forward volunteer leader? CIDER-sponsored (partially) post-doc or grad student?

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