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Jeopardy Method Oceans Origins Fields Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Method Oceans Origins Fields Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Method Oceans Origins Fields Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400
Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Question from Method The process of testing a natural observation is called what?

3 $100 Answer from Method Scientific Method

4 $200 Question from Method A marine scientist who is testing the amount of oxygen needed by microorganisms in deep ocean sediments is conducting what scientific step

5 $200 Answer from Method An experiment

6 $300 Question from Method What scientific step involves organizing data into a graph?

7 $300 Answer from Method Analysis

8 $400 Question from Method What is the difference between scientific theory and law

9 $400 Answer from Method Theory: Heavily supported explanation of a natural phenomenon backed by experiments Law: Statement of natural observation, concrete and universal

10 $500 Question from Method What are the steps to the scientific method?

11 $500 Answer from Method Observation Question Hypothesis Prediction
Experiment Analysis CConclusion

12 $100 Question from Oceans What are the 5 oceans on earth

13 $100 Answer from Oceans Pacific Atlantic Indian Southern Arctic

14 $200 Question from Oceans What is the largest ocean, based on volume?

15 $200 Answer from Oceans Pacific Ocean

16 $300 Question from Oceans What is an ocean?

17 $300 Answer from Oceans A large body of saline water

18 $400 Question from Oceans What percentage of all the water on earth is found in the ocean?

19 $400 Answer from Oceans 97%

20 $500 Question from Oceans Describe the idea of one world ocean.

21 $500 Answer from Oceans The oceans and seas are just temporary features, but they are all still interconnected as one great mass of water.

22 $100 Question from Origins
What is the most abundant element in the universe?

23 $100 Answer from Origins Hydrogen

24 $200 Question from Origins
What created the earth’s moon?

25 $200 Answer from Origins Ejection of debris from Earth after colliding with a smaller planetary body

26 $300 Question from Origins
What are three moons that have the possibly of containing/ sustaining life?

27 $300 Answer from Origins Titan Enceladus Europa Ganymede

28 $400 Question from Origins
Where did the water found on Earth originate from?

29 $400 Answer from Origins Volcanic Activity/ Outgassing Comets

30 $500 Question from Origins
How long did it take for the earth to fully form the crust, mantle, and core?

31 $500 Answer from Origins 100 million years

32 $100 Question from Fields What are the six fields of Marine Science?

33 $100 Answer from Fields Geology Chemical Climate Physical Biology

34 $200 Question from Fields What does a Marine Biologist focus on in its field?

35 $200 Answer from Fields Study the nature and distribution of marine organisms, impacts of pollution, search for resources, and analyze fisheries

36 $300 Question from Fields What field of study focuses on the movements of the seafloor at mid-ocean ridges and subduction zones?

37 $300 Answer from Fields Marine Geologist

38 $400 Question from Fields What marine field studies the amount of dissolved iron, nitrate, and phosphate in the upper water column of the open ocean to determine if nutrients are limiting phytoplankton growth?

39 $400 Answer from Fields Chemical Oceanographer

40 $500 Question from Fields What Marine field studies waves and currents?

41 $500 Answer from Fields Physical Oceanographers

42 Final Jeopardy Would biosynthesis be able to occur in our current state of Earth? What is the main reason why or why not?

43 Final Jeopardy Answer No, the oxygen in our atmosphere would hinder and interrupt any attempt to synthesize organic molecules/ building blocks.

44 Things to focus on Dates/ Numbers
Any number on/ implied in the study guide is fair game Processes (Scientific Method, Accretion, Density Stratification, etc.) Look at not only the overall process, but each step involved as well

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