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Welcome to Hitchin Girls’ School

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Hitchin Girls’ School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Hitchin Girls’ School

2 The Sixth Form ‘It’s a challenge but an exciting one’

3 Independent Study Reading Around the Subject
Reading over past notes from the lesson Revising Reading the next chapter in the text book Using study periods productively We recommend that students should complete at least 5 hours of independent per subject in addition to the work they undertake in the classroom.

4 Study Periods Must be used productively Silent Study Room – M26
Library – Computers and resources 6th Form Common Room - Silent Study During Lessons Mentoring with pastoral

5 Facilities Common Room – keep it clean and don’t leave food and drink to fester in the fridge IT – can use your own personal device – sign up using the policy Café – open 8.30 – 1.30 – don’t order food or drink if you don’t have time in between lessons Lockers – if you have hired one

6 Folders – consortium expectations
Students must have an assessment record sheet at the front of their folder Folders will be checked by form tutors during form mentoring time (AM registration) Students will be issued with a list of expectations regarding their files and portfolios

7 Attendance Morning registration is compulsory unless a student has a lesson period 1 at HBS or The Priory School All lessons are compulsory If unwell – parent must ring in the morning by for each day of absence and send a letter in to the school when you return Open Days – students fill in a pink form which is signed by the tutor, teachers, parent and then presented to Mrs Stojko for authorisation. (3 open days per year maximum) University Course – apply using a pink form Holidays will not be authorised Expectation that students maintain 95% attendance record

8 Mock exams for all other subjects will take place – June 2019
Year 12 Mock Exams Mock exams for all other subjects will take place – June 2019 Entry to year 13 will be dependent on students passing their AS exams and/or mock exams in the summer for three subjects at E grade or above

9 Year 12 Reporting Initial appraisal check – 11 October
Progress check 1 – 7 November Progress check 2 – 27 February Progress Check 3 – 24 April Progress Check 4 – 10 July – This will include mock exam results Consultation evening – 5 March

10 Departmental Assessments Year 12
Each half term – formal test for each subject under exam conditions – material in that half-term or longer Result recorded centrally on Go4Schools Help monitor progress Provide evidence for predicting UCAS grades at the end of the year Provide data to support predicted grades – information will be published with each progress check

11 Students not meeting targets and expectations
Behaviour For Learning Programme tracks students progress Mentoring with 6th Form Team, tutors and teachers Supervised study periods Departmental report – setting targets and tracking progress Sixth Form Report

12 Cancelled Lessons Work will be set by the teacher
Students are expected to collect the work and complete all activities to the best of their ability

13 Driving Lessons Must not be booked during the school day
Theory Exam – not to be booked during the school day Driving Exam – permission will be granted Students will need to complete a pink form and return the request to ME

14 Enrichment Subject Trips Transition Workshop 6 Sept Tutor Time
Learn to Live – 24 September Motivational Workshop - 24 Jan Exam Buster- 19 March Resilience Workshop – Autumn Term 2019 Careers talks Careers Fair-October Gap year presentations Apprenticeships Talks Lectures Subject Trips Tutor Time Assemblies UCAS days Unifrog Sports Clubs Music clubs Ambassadors roles


16 Registration and break/lunchtime on Monday 17th September

17 Year 12 Prefect Team School Council Prefects
One Student per house and two students selected to sit on the main school council body Sports Prefects – One per House Public Relations Prefects– One per House Charity Prefects – One per House Healthy Schools Prefects – One per House

18 Ambassadors Programme and Learning Champions
Students involved in a variety of activities around the school and within the local community Why? Develop leadership skills, confidence and gain a wider range of experiences Give something back to the school and the community Develop areas that will support their UCAS application



21 These sessions will be delivered in school to help students develop the skills to be an exceptional Learning Champion


23 Work Sixth form is a full time job
Relevant work experience is important Part time work must be part time. You will not succeed in the sixth form if you are working several nights a week and at weekends. For help with researching relevant work experience students should ask for an appointment with Mr Whittle our careers advisor

24 Pastoral and Academic Support
General concerns: Contact Tutor Subject Concerns: Contact Teacher – Head of Department Miss Prentice – Head of Year 12 and Curie House Mrs Evans – Head of Year 13 and Bronte House

25 Dress Code – Requirements 1
As a member of the Sixth Form you will be required to wear a ... ... TROUSER SUIT ... SKIRT SUIT …BUISNESS DRESS Skirts MUST be near the knee.

26 REQUIREMENTS (3) Your skirt or trouser suit can be worn with your own choice of ... ... SHIRT or ... TOP

27 REQUIREMENTS (4) Your shirt or top can be in ... ... ANY COLOUR but

28 REQUIREMENTS (5) In terms of footwear you may have ...

29 Hair and Facial Piercing
Hair – Natural colours No Facial Piercing

30 Newsletter and School E-mails
University Events Work Experience Open Days Training Courses Entrance Exams

31 Student Details Please let us know any changes in the following:
address Home Address Home Phone Number Work Phone Number Mobile Number

32 Work Hard

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