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Introduction to Presentation Skills

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1 Introduction to Presentation Skills
Your Name

2 Objectives At the end of this session you will be able to:
Identify the planning process involved in presentations Recognise the qualities of a Good Presenter State the importance of non verbal communication and visual aids Explain the structure of a good presentation

3 Exercise – Your Thoughts!
Using Post-It-Notes What I LIKE about running Presentations What I DISLIKE about running Presentations LIKE DISLIKE Split delegates into 2 groups Handout 2 sets of 2 different coloured post-it-notes to each delegate (yellow for like, blue for dislike), as well as a flipchart marker to each delegate. Give them 5 minutes to write on the post-it notes using the flip chart markers what they like and dislike. Then get them in their groups to put the post-it-notes on the flipcharts, clustering where necessary. Get one group to present back on the ‘Like’ and the other on the ‘Dislike’ Ask the whole group which was easier to do? (Like or dislike) Why? Summarise the key points of the exercise, explaining how exercises using post-it-notes can be used effectively in presentations e.g. What are we doing well? what can we improve on? How can we do it? Etc.

4 Qualities of a Good Presenter
Appearance Knowledge Attitude Enthusiasm Good Eye Contact Audience Explain and expand on the above points unless already covered on the flipcharts. Examples you could use are: Appearance – How nerves can enhance a presentation. Regardless of experience we’ll all be nervous. The importance of controlling nerves. The Swan example. Ask delegates to close their eyes, image it’s a very hot summers day and they’re going on a picnic with friends or family to the park. Sat around the lake and you see a graceful, elegant swan effortlessly gliding across the lake – can you all picture this? How are you feeling? What are your thoughts when you see that swan. Go round the room. Open up your eyes, there’s that swan gracefully gliding across the lake but what’s causing that appearance? Facilitate a discussion around what is happening below the surface – stress that when presenting its what we allow people to see. Come on to body language in a minute. Eye contact – stare at a delegate and cover the 3 second rule Interesting voice. Facilitate a short discussion on what are filler words and the use and benefits of using silence effectively. Confident Manner Interesting Voice

5 Non-Verbal Communication
Non-verbal communication is very important as often, it is not what you say that counts, but how you say it. The success of communication can be adversely affected by actions, tone of voice and body language.

6 Why Use Visual Aids ? More sensory involvement generally means more interest and retention on the audience's part Hearing is not a human being’s most effective way to receive information, seeing is Of the information that is remembered: 85% is through seeing 11% is through hearing 4% is through the other senses Explain and expand on the points above

7 Objectives At the end of this session you will be able to:
Identify the planning process involved in presentations Recognise the qualities of a Good Presenter State the importance of non verbal communication and visual aids Explain the structure of a good presentation

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