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Scout Troop for Girls Kick-off December 2nd, 2018

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1 Scout Troop for Girls Kick-off December 2nd, 2018
Eric Lokker: Alan Clark:

2 Troop 54 Kick-off Event Today’s Agenda Flags / Opening Demonstrations
December 2, 2018 Today’s Agenda Flags / Opening Demonstrations Break-out (Scouts / Adults) Registration Depart Scout Oath On my honor, I will do my best To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight. Scout Law A scout is: Trustworthy Loyal Helpful Friendly Courteous Kind Obedient Cheerful Thrifty Brave Clean, and Reverent Scouts Scout Games Adults Scouting Overview Troop Plans Parental Involvement Next Steps Emphasis Youth Leadership Development Outdoor Programs Advancement Programs Service to Others Mission Statement To prepare our next generation of leaders to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and the Scout Law.

3 Demonstrations - Steve Johnson - R.J. Woodward

4 Scouting Overview - Eric Lokker

5 Troop 54 - Overview Scout Troop for Girls
Sponsored by St. John the Divine Episcopal Church (SJD) Scouts BSA’s new program to serve girls (ages 11 to 17) Effective Feb 2019 Focus / Objectives Youth leadership development, through Outdoors program Advancement program Service to others Advantages Builds upon the success of SJD’s Troop 55 85 years of serving boys well Experienced & dedicated volunteers

6 Troop 54 – Scouting Program
In the Scouts BSA program, girls learn (separate from, but identically to boys) through experiences Fosters self-esteem, and a sense of value, belonging, accountability, and teamwork The program builds Scouts mentally, physically, socially, and spiritually Youth Leadership Development: Scouting is youth led Team: “Patrol Method” emphasized Weekly Meetings: We’ll meet Monday nights 6:30 to 8:00pm at SJD Outdoor Outings: Plan to camp-out at least twice each semester, and once in summer Fun Activities: Backpacking, canoeing/kayaking, climbing, biking, fishing, etc Advancement: “First Class Trail” program positions Scouts to achieve Eagle Scout Community Service: Scouts develop a “spirit of service” by regularly helping others Uniform: Worn at events; demonstrates Equality, Identification, Achievement, Commitment The skills they learn in Scouting help youth overcome obstacles and challenges with courage and character throughout their lives

7 Troop 54 – Scouting Advancement Program
Advancement is a Method – Not an End in Itself – intended to help unit leadership carry out the aims and mission of BSA Advancement based on experiential learning – Personal growth is achieved by learning, teaching and repeated application of skills Program is based on acquisition of skills, service to others, leadership Skills are specific in early ranks (Scout thru First Class) and become more flexible through Merit Badges Service projects in the community and conservation Leadership through positions of responsibility leading other Scouts achieving “Scout Led” objective First Class Trail (FCT): Troop sponsored training that focuses on teaching skills needed to advance through the First Class rank in about a year

8 Troop 54 – Rank Advancement
Skills (select examples) Time (months) Service Leadership Merit Badges Scout Basics, Oath, Law, Slogan, None Tenderfoot First Aid, Fitness, Knots 1 hr Learn EDGE method Second Class Camping, Cooking, First Aid, Swimming, Personal Safety 2 hrs First Class Navigation, Nature, Emergency, Citizenship 3 hrs Invite someone to scouting Star 4 6 hrs 4 months 6 Life Teach EDGE method 6 months 5 Eagle Project 10 Requirements: Skills Tenderfoot 2nd Class 1st Class Star Life Eagle

9 Average Time to Advance – Troop 55 (months)
First Class Trail

10 Troop 54 Plans - Alan Clark

11 Troop 54 - Calendar Highlights
Mondays 6:30-8:00 – Troop Meetings 2/17 – Scout Sunday 2/23 – Camping Shakedown tbd – Swim Test 3/22 to 24 – New Scout Campout 4/2 – Court of Honor First Class Trail sessions – as scheduled 4/26 to 28 – Campout 5/6 – Court of Honor 7/21 to 27 - Summer Camp

12 New Scout Campout Date: March (Saturday morning to Sunday noon; for Scouts & Parents) Location: Webb Ranch (near Washington, TX on the Brazos) What to Expect: One (or both) parents bring Scout and stay at Camp, not a drop-off Scouts learn basic skills and become oriented to Troop 54 Create bonds with other girls in the Troop Parents learn how the program works and their role in their scout’s journey What gear is needed? See camping gear checklist Registration details available in early March

13 Summer Camp Summer Camp is integral to scouting
Merit Badge camps are fun way to learn new skills Date: July 21 – 27 (Sunday to Saturday) Location: Delatour Scout Ranch (near Fort Collins, CO) Delatour Director: Kevin Spencer Sign-up Process: to be announced

14 Parental Involvement - Alan Clark

15 Troop 54 – Parent Involvement Needed
Scouting With Your Child We need YOU!   The "official" adult leaders can’t possibly do it all  We have both "outdoor" and "indoor" jobs for volunteers We’re friendly and supportive, we’ll train you, and you’ll have fun Experience demonstrates the more involved a Scout's parent is in the Troop, the more likely that Scout is to remain in Scouting and someday earn the rank of Eagle Scout Volunteering New adult volunteers in Scouting must register and take Youth Protection Training (YPT) at the BSA's Online Learning Center at  YPT is required before an adult volunteer can participate in youth activities The Online Learning Center brings together essential volunteer learning in a single package Allows volunteers to take variety of courses at their convenience at home, download & print certificates of completion, and track their training history   Additional training required for the Scoutmaster and all Assistant Scoutmasters (ASM)* *Note: Additional required training for Scoutmasters and ASM’s available at Troop 55 Campout Jan (e.g. Scoutmaster Position Specific Training, and Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills)

16 Troop 54 – Adult Volunteer Positions
There are many volunteer positions in Scouting that parents can help fill, working directly with Scouts or in support roles to the Troop Many key roles remain unfilled   Key Contacts Name Scoutmaster Eric Lokker Assistant Scoutmaster Alan Clark Assistant Scoutmaster (Female) TBD Advancement Chair Registrar (Youth & Adults) Monica Trevino Communications Carolyn Dorros Treasurer Richard Butler (interim) Medical Coordinator Camping Assistant Summer Camp Coordinator Troop Committee Chair Rob Rice Chartered Org Represent. James Cauble Training Requirements All volunteers must be registered, and require Youth Protection Training (YPT) In addition, the Scout Master and all Assistant Scout Masters must complete: Scoutmaster Position Specific Training (SPST)* Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS)* *Note: Offered at Troop 55 Campout (Jan 18 – 20)

17 Key Next Steps - Eric Lokker

18 registrar@troop54
Key Item Checklist Item Description For Questions Scout Registration & Dues Registration is only required upon joining. Dues of $150 are collected annually. Click here for registration forms, dues info, and procedures for joining. Scholarships Available Adult Registration Registration is only required upon joining. Dues of $25 are collected annually. Youth Protection Training (YPT) The YPT training was updated by BSA in 2018, and completion of the new version is required (only offered on-line). Troop54 recommends at least one family member complete the training (ideally the family member who will participate most often with their child). See link Medical Checklist (Scouts & Adults) You are required to complete the medical checklist each year. See Link below and return the completed form at Troop 54 meeting in Feb TBD Account After the Scout Registration Form is completed, Adults & Scouts will receive a account. This account is used to track the Troop Roster, for communications, attendance, and award / rank status tracking Class A Uniform Troop 54 recommends you go to The Scout Shop and purchase uniforms there. The Scout Shop staff are extremely helpful and will advise you on everything you need. The Scout Shop can sew on patches for an additional fee 2225 N Loop W, Houston, TX (Cockrell Scout Shop) Alan Clark Class B Uniform Uniform consists of Scout Shorts and Scout T-Shirt (this is a more casual uniform) . Troop 54 will take T-Shirt orders and deliver prior to Summer Camp Scout Handbook Handbook is need to complete the Scouting rank advancement requirements, and is provided to each Scout by Troop 54 from the dues you pay

19 Troop 54 – Forward Plan Dec’18 Jan’19 Feb Mar Apr May Summer
Prepare/Submit Applications = Key Events Dec 2 Kick-off Event Adults Complete Training Jan Assistant Scoutmaster Training* Regular Meetings & Activities Feb 4 First “Official” Troop 54 Meeting March “New” Scout Campout* May 13 Last Troop 54 Meeting of Semester Summer Break July Summer Camp *Note: Additional required training for Assistant Scoutmasters available (e.g. Scoutmaster Position Specific Training, and Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills)

20 Back-up

21 Organizational Names The Boy Scouts of America organization name will continue to be Boy Scouts of America. It is not changing. Beginning February 2019, the Boy Scout program name will change to “Scouts BSA” and will begin serving girls, as well as boys.  Under the new name of “Scouts BSA,” that program, which is the same iconic program it has always been, will continue to offer Scouting in single-gender troops, through which Scouts –ages 11 through 17 – can work to earn the Eagle Scout rank. Before, during, and after that program name change, the overall organization name will continue to be Boy Scouts of America. Both male and female participants in the Scouts BSA program will be referred to as “Scouts,” just as boys now in the Boy Scout program are often referred to as “Scouts.” Source:

22 Scouts BSA – Troop Structure
Troop structure will remain single gender Scouts BSA troop will be made up of all boys, or it will be made up of all girls There will be no co-ed or mixed troops Boys and girls will not be in troops together Boys will be in troops with only boys, and girls will be in troops with only girls  This will take effect during a scheduled launch on February 1, 2019 Source:

23 BSA Mission and Vision Statement
Mission Statement The mission of the Scouts BSA is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Scout Oath On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight. Scout Law A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. Vision Statement The Boy Scouts of America will prepare every eligible youth in America to become a responsible, participating citizen and leader who is guided by the Scout Oath and Scout Law.

24 Guiding Principles – Basic Beliefs
Patrols The patrol method is the only means of organizing and implement scouting; Strong, well-functioning patrols are the key to a successful program Program Interesting and exciting with a variety of programs / interest areas Scout should be able to “choose” own areas of interest Summer camp is a critical component of the scouting experience Leadership “Progression” of servant leadership experiences is a critical offering of our program Formal scout / youth leadership training (NYLT, NAYLE) is emphasized/encouraged SPL’s and the PLC should leverage BSA resources in planning and preparation Adults Adult leaders should be focused on (1) quietly coaching scout leaders, (2) engaging scouts individually, (3) encouraging scouts to stay active with the program and advance in rank, and (4) coaching the scouts development as a leader (first of self, then of others) Keep a deep leadership bench and have development progression for adult leaders

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