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ESF Informal Technical Working Group meeting Brussels,

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1 ESF Informal Technical Working Group meeting Brussels, 17.02.2016
Your First EURES Job ESF Informal Technical Working Group meeting Brussels,

2 What is Your first EURES job (YFEJ)?
YFEJ is a Targeted Mobility Scheme (TMS) under the European Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) TMS are initiatives to fill job vacancies in certain sectors, occupations or countries or for particular groups of workers with a propensity to be mobile and where a clear economic need has been identified YFEJ aims to help young Europeans (EU-28 + NO + IS) aged to find a job, traineeship or apprenticeship in other Member States and employers (SMEs in particular) to find workers for their hard to fill vacancies.

3 Labour market context Difficult labour market situation in some countries with youth unemployment rates > 30% (e.g. Greece, Spain and Italy); Skills mismatches and bottleneck vacancies; Low level of mobility; Mobility obstacles (e.g. the cost of moving abroad, language learning);

4 Target groups Jobseekers Aged 18-35 EU nationals
Legally living in an EU 28/EEA (i.e. Norway + Iceland) country Employers A legally established business in an EU/EEA country Looking for workers with a specific profile Offering minimum 6-month contracts, with pay and conditions compliant with national labour law SMEs may benefit from financial support

5 YFEJ pilot phase – Budget 2011-2013
Purpose A three-year preparatory action scheme to test a new way of providing tailor-made job mobility services to young people and employers (experimentation and innovation). Mobility package combining information, recruitment, matching and placement services with EU financial incentives, based on simplified cost options. Features Open to EU-28 young jobseekers (aged 18-30) and employers Overall budget : EUR million Types of placements: jobs, traineeships and apprenticeships Three calls for proposals, 15 granted projects, public & private organisations

6 Overview YFEJ results – 2012-2015
YFEJ services and support measures Overall results Number of placements in another Member State 4,251 (85% of the overall target) Number of job interviews in another Member State 1,733 Number of language trainings 670 Number of preparatory trainings 1,836 Number of recognition of qualifications 72 Number of integration trainings for SMEs 402

7 Overview YfEj results – 2012-2015
Type of vacancies Both manual, low skilled and high skilled vacancies Main economic sectors and occupational groups Administrative and Support Service Activities, Human Health and Social Work Activities, Information and Communication ; Professionals, Service workers and shop and market sales workers and Technicians and associate professionals Top 3 recruiting countries United Kingdom, Germany and Spain Top 3 sending countries Spain, Sweden and Italy (project leaders) Jobseekers' profiles Around 75% have secondary and tertiary education level Balanced gender participation (50% male + 50% female candidates) More than 75% aged above 23

8 Inflows and outflows of jobseekers

9 YFEJ Evaluation 2014 interim evaluation: YFEJ addresses labour market needs (relevance), provides an enhanced Europe-wide service (EU added value) and is complementarity to other national and EU mobility schemes. YFEJ study (in progress). Objective: to make the ex-post evaluation of the scheme and examine the costs, benefits and impacts of different options for its future development. The study will be concluded in 2016/Q3. In the framework of this study, an online public consultation is open to all EU/EEA citizens and organisations (Europa portal) Deadline:22/04/2016

10 Through the public consultation you can express your views!
YFEJ future Current situation: YFEJ financed through direct management (EaSI) – annual calls for proposals - large scale projects lead by EURES members (SE, IT and FR) Future situation (options): Continue YFEJ under direct management Provide EU policy support to Member States to implement similar schemes with national budgets or other EU funds e.g. ESF Up-scale the action within the existing framework or under a new framework e.g. EU job mobility programme A combination of options above Through the public consultation you can express your views!

11 Link to the YFEJ public consultation (Europa portal, DG EMPL website):
Thank you Link to the YFEJ public consultation (Europa portal, DG EMPL website):  

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