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Road Traffic Hazard No. 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Road Traffic Hazard No. 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Road Traffic Hazard No. 3

2 Explosive Growth of vehicles
in India Copy right:

3 In 1950 : There were only 3.5 lakhs motorized vehicles in India
Copy right:

4 Today [March 2011] : There are 14.6 crores [14,69,25,740]
vehicles On Indian roads i.e. 420 TIMES than that of 1950 Copy right:

5 While roads have increased only 2.8 times during
last 60 years [from 11,88,728 km to 33.4 lakh km] Copy right:

6 In 1950 vehicle ownership was 0.1%
Now 12% population has motorized vehicles in India i.e. ownership has increased 120 times In 1950 In 2011 90% vehicles belongs to personal category Copy right:

7 Every year 1 crore vehicles are coming on Indian Roads . . . .
Copy right:

8 In next 4-5 years total sale is expected to double
With such a ‘short doubling time' of vehicles, after a decade coming on to roads is going to be a terrible experience or nightmare! Copy right:

9 Cars being sold like pizza or burgers - -
Give me two CAR SHWROOM Cars being sold like pizza or burgers - -

10 The attitude of the government appears to be that of a circus manager who keeps selling tickets ,knowing very well that there is no space inside, urging the public to ‘go and enjoy the show’ Copy right:

11 Like - - - Copy right:

12 flood to take the shape of a Tsunami
There is already a flood of vehicles on Indian roads . . . . . the government is probably waiting for this flood to take the shape of a Tsunami Copy right:

13 Yes, an increased number of vehicles may be
called a sign of prosperity or better growth of our country and it is also a basic right of all citizens to purchase a vehicle for their need. Provided This personal prosperity is not affecting safety of other road users and our environment!! But unfortunately this is not so Copy right:

14 “Safety and a clean environment on the road” is a fundamental right of all citizens and an essential condition for safe and secure living and a sustainable development of society. In recent times, especially during the last two decades, it is being observed that weaker sections of commuters, like non motorized vehicle owners and pedestrians are losing their right to clean and safe roads. An explosive growth of vehicles is one of the major causes. Copy right:

15 Honorable R K Laxman warned about
this several years ago

16 We will send out one more such eye opener and after that we will start an active discussion on ‘How to overcome or minimize these traffic related hazards’. Copy right:

17 If you find merit in this message, please forward it to your contacts.
People who are concerned about traffic congestion, pollution, road rage, etc and want to avoid road accidents in their & their beloved one’s life, should visit: Tsunami on Roads: Wake up India!

18 Jai Hind

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