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English I Honors Vocabulary unit 2.

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Presentation on theme: "English I Honors Vocabulary unit 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 English I Honors Vocabulary unit 2

2 Immaterial Adjective Unimportant; irrelevant

3 Impartial Adjective Fair or just; unbiased

4 Impenitent Adjective Not feeling regret about one’s sins or wrongdoings; shameless

5 Imperceptible Adjective Very slight, gradual, subtle
Not able to be perceived by the senses; undetectable

6 Impersonate Verb To assume the character or appearance of; to pretend to be To imitate or mimic

7 Imperturbable Adjective Not easily upset or angered; calm

8 Impervious Adjective Incapable of being influenced or persuaded; unchanging Not permitting passage; impenetrable

9 Implausible Adjective
Not having the appearance of truth or credibility; unbelievable

10 Imprint Verb To impress or produce a mark on something by pressure

11 Imprison Verb To confine or restrain

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