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Kanopy Streaming PDA at Buffalo State College

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1 Kanopy Streaming PDA at Buffalo State College
SUNYLA Conference 2018 Marianne Foley June 14, 2018

2 History Free 35 Day Trial PDA Changed from PDA to Mediated Model
Late September – October 31, 2016 Four films would have triggered license purchases PDA November 1, 2016 – February 21, 2018 (about 16 months) Licensed 130 films for one year each Spent $17,700 Changed from PDA to Mediated Model Began February 22, 2018 Licensed 7 films over 4 months Spent $1,050

3 Number of Plays* per Day * A play = Someone physically presses the play button on a film

4 PDA Model Library sets a budget maximum; Kanopy notifies library when nearing max Invoiced quarterly Users can view entire films without license until purchase is triggered License purchase triggered based on: Time threshold: A film must be played for at least 30 seconds of consecutive footage to log a “PDA play.” Count threshold: There must be four independent plays of the same film to trigger a license purchase. Session threshold: A session-based restriction on the play counter ensures that only one play is ever counted in a single session on the website (i.e. if someone watches the same film twice from the same browser, it will only count one play).

5 Mediated Model AKA “Request Mode”
Licensed films remain available to view Unlicensed films are discoverable; not “pre-viewable” To access unlicensed films, users submit Kanopy request to library Library receives separate messages for each requested film Yes: At Kanopy site, add film to cart, check out, receive invoice No: Contact person who requested the film; refer to NYPL

6 Lessons Learned Users love Kanopy
PDA balance remaining: difficult to discern from Kanopy website Statistics: difficult to obtain & not user-friendly Examine invoices carefully PDA plays are defined differently than plays for statistics

7 The Future Open PDA is not economically feasible for Buffalo State
Mediated Model is too labor-intensive Future Plans? PDA limited to top 5 or 10 film suppliers Fiscal year budget cap defined at start of fiscal year When the Kanopy budget runs out …

8 Top Ten Film Suppliers for Buffalo State

9 Top Ten Films at Buffalo State based on number of plays

10 The End

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