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Becoming an Intelligent & Critical Consumer (and Creator)

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Presentation on theme: "Becoming an Intelligent & Critical Consumer (and Creator)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Becoming an Intelligent & Critical Consumer (and Creator)
Media Literacy Becoming an Intelligent & Critical Consumer (and Creator) of Media Messages

2 What We’ll Tackle . . . Asking some tough questions
Evolution of Media/Human Communication How Technology Shapes Our Behavior Strengths & Weaknesses of Media Types Media Biz: Show Me the Money!! Politics & the Press Propaganda (Messages/Motives/Manipulation) Personal Engagement w/ Media

3 Asking the tough questions . . .
Are we consumers or citizens first & how might these roles interact & shape us? Do we control media technology or does it control us? Shape our behavior? What strengths & weaknesses exist among media tools? Is the medium the message? How can we identify biases in media messages? What is a fact & What is a trustworthy source of information? What is truth? Who controls/manipulates information and how? How does money influence the media landscape? Is it good that the digital age has made us BOTH consumers AND producers of content? Should we call the Internet (like Television before it) “A Vast Wasteland”? How might media & messages be used or abused by altruistic & malevolent actors? How can we best equip ourselves in this complex digital age?

4 More tough questions . . . Who’s delivering the message?
What path does the message follow? Who gives them money? Who owns them? What are their motivations? (Media + Money = Motivation & Limitation) Who’s their audience? What are they really selling? Benefits/limitations of the medium? Is the medium the message? (i.e. Does the device dictate the message?) What ethics/standards guide them? How am I expected to navigate all this? What do my media interactions do FOR me & what do they do TO me? Am I part of the problem or solution, OR is it even wise to think in these Either/Or terms? How can we be SKEPTICAL without becoming CYNICAL?

5 Politics & the Press That whole 1st Amendment thing
Do we need a free press? Is it a marriage made in heaven? Is anything off limits?

6 Advertising vs. Editorial & entertainment
Has a tool of democracy become a tool of capitalism? Can we tell the difference between ads & news? Does the tail wag the dog?

7 Types of media Hey, you! Print Electronic Information & entertainment
Newspapers Magazines Electronic Television Radio Internet Information & entertainment Hey, you!

8 Print: Newspaper & Magazine
Benefits: Reader is in charge of when/how to receive the message (longer time, can re-read, depth) Limitations: Space Static/ not real Press time (less immediate/ timely) When PAPER goes away, do these limitations go away?

9 Electronic: radio, podcasts, streaming audio
Benefits: Immediate/timely listen on the go (“drive time”) Theatre of the Mind Limitations: Distractions Passive audience audience must create visual images (see through sound)

10 Electronic: television
Benefits: Immediate/timely visual is important part of message (Picture worth a thousand words) Limitations: visual distractions get in the way of the message visual appeal given more value than message?

11 Electronic: film Benefits: Limitations: Same as television visually
Few time constraints = more depth Limitations: production deadlines make it less immediate/timely Primarily entertainment, but documentaries are informative

12 Electronic: Internet (“the web”)
Benefits: Receiver is in charge/Interactive Few time constraints = more depth A World of fingertips Information & Entertainment at the click of a button Super Computer IN MY HAND!!! Limitations: A World of Worry What’s accurate? Sources? Trust? Information Overload? Shaping our Psychology & Physiology Image of self & Others

13 “The Medium is the Message”
What the message is sent through influences the message The president’s speech has a different effect if read in the paper, heard on radio, or seen/heard on TV

14 “content is king” In the present Digital Age, it’s all about creating content that’ll attract audience (and advertisers)

15 “if you’re not selling, you’re being sold!”
Every time you click, you are providing information data about yourself & your behaviors that someone is using or selling to benefit… you got it… …somebody OTHER THAN YOU!!!!!! 🤑

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